Chapter 7

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The White House

"BOBBY, BOBBY" Jackie said running around

"Jackie what's wrong" Bobby said grabbing her

"It's Jack" Jackie said crying

"What about Jack"

"When he hit his head at Hyannis he got amnesia, he doesn't remember anything, then Marilyn came in and convinced him she's his wife" Jackie said crying

"Where's your ring Jackie" Bobby said

"That's it Bobby, she was being her stupid self and said I stole it, so Jack made me give it to him and had me arrested"

"He did what maybe if I talk to him things can get settled" Bobby said, "But your staying here until things are settled"

Bobby then drove to the hospital, he had to fix this

Jack's Hospital Room

Bobby entered Jack's room to see him and Marilyn under the covers with no clothes on

"Jack what the" Bobby said

"Who's this" Jack said pointing to Bobby

"Ahhhhhhh" Marilyn screamed cuddling into Jack, "He works with that brunette who was in here"

"No Jack please I'm your brother, you know your attorney general"

"What" Jack asked

"Please Jack baby the brunette and him were planning up kill me" Marilyn cried

"No Jack I'm your brother I would never plan to hurt you please just listen to me" Bobby pleaded

Jack sat there in shock

"Bobby" Jack said like a memory was coming back

Then Marilyn kissed Jack and the memory vanished

"Clint" Jack yelled

"Yes Mr. President" Clint said

"Get this traitor out of here and throw him with that brunette" Jack said

Clint was shocked his own brother, he wants his own brother in jail Clint thought

Clint took Bobby out of the room and told Bobby the same thing he told Jackie

Bobby then ran to get to Jackie they had to fix this, before Jack forgets everything forever


I'm so sorry I never updated, school and sports and finals was crazy

I'm on winter break till January 6 so I'll update more

2 more days till Christmas and moms birthday is tomorrow🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁

Thanks for sticking with me😀

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