PK x Protag - None of Us Can Bake but Let's Try!

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None of Us Can Bake but Let's Try!

Published 19th October 2019 (so please excuse wrong facts in the future).

Protag lay in his room solemnly, bored and unbothered by the rest on the world. His roommate and best friend, Pumpkin Kid (or PK for short), was reading a book on the forbidden part of the room: where the flowers were. Protag longed to go talk to him or just have his closer company sometimes, but he couldn't due to the promise not to go near the flowers. Maybe, he could join the gardening club so he could go there without causing distress. 

Losing focus from his story, PK turned to look at his friend and spoke: "Do you wanna do something?" Protag was shaken from his thoughts and sat up instantly, only to look around in confusion. "Ah, sorry. I'm over here." Protag whipped his head round in the direction of PK and sighed.
"What is it then? Sorry, I wasn't listening," He admitted sadly. 
"Do you just wanna head out and do something for fun? Life's been pretty drab lately."
"I'm down for anything."

PK got up, strolled down to the door and beckoned for the other to go through, of which he did compliantly. Walking down the hallway together, Protag decided to strike up a conversation again. "Do you have anything in mind to do?"
"Yeah! I figured we could go to Reese's dorm and make some food. He's really good at it, from what I've heard," PK informed. They both continued to walk down to Reese's place, and whoever his roommate was.

When they arrived, the pumpkin boy plainly hit his head on the door instead of knocking with his hands, which gained a weird look from Protag. Either way, the green rice ball opened up and smiled wide. "Hello there!" He greeted and politely let them enter.

Protag had never been there before, but it was one strange dorm room. Half of it was like a kitchen, which was probably the side contributing to Reese. The other was a huge jigsaw that still had tiny holes in it and pieces strewn about. He shrugged and took no notice, as he didn't know the occupier of that. Looking around, there was no sight of the other owner of the room, but it didn't matter as they probably had more freedom to do things then.

"Reese, is it okay if me and him bake something?" PK asked.
"YES! No one has ever asked. Feel free to anytime." Reese grinned and signalled the way to the kitchen area. "Do whatever you want except cause fire or break anything." PK nodded and placed his bag down on a counter. He opened it, and took out many ingredients.

"What exactly is your plan here?" Protag asked. PK didn't answer but looked at him blankly. He guessed it should've been quite obvious by now. They were to bake a cake.

Like any sort of cliche story, Protag peeled his hoodie off and wrapped an apron around his waist instead. PK didn't, as no one had ever seen underneath his cloak. And anyways, it wouldn't be the end of the world if it got dirty. It'd only be flour or egg or something.


After a while, the cake was finally in the oven. The two had decided, based on the limited ingredients they had and what Reese provided them, to make a simple sponge cake. It was a recipe buried deep into Protag's mind from when he was in middle school cooking class but he thought he'd done well. The whole process was straightforward and they pursued through it with ease. They just had to wait, so they stopped to talk for a bit.

"Y'know, PK, I really enjoyed that," Protag admitted. PK blushed but looked incredibly happy at the statement.
"Well, I... thought we could do something different for a change! Also, we got to see Reese too. I usually don't see him outside of school time." Reese instinctively waved from afar and Protag did too. 

An alarm went off and that signalled the cake was ready. In a suspenseful moment, they opened the oven and saw the cake in it's full glory. It was beautiful. PK swore he saw a tear roll out of Protag's eye.

Lastly, they had to decorate the last part. They opened the cake and put cherry-flavoured jam in the middle, then sprinkling powdered sugar on top. They unevenly cut it into 7 pieces too. Magnificent. It marvelled in a non-existent limelight and captured Reese's eye, even if he was far away from it. He looked on like it was a ruby on a pillar on display for the world to praise. However, the temptation didn't get to the best of him so he resisted having some. Reese let the two excellent bakers have it.

Due to them being finished, they put the sweet treat on plate to take back and eat. Walking back, nothing happened. Protag was being polite by saying hello to a passerby but that's it.

When they got back inside, they placed the dessert on the floor and stared. None of them wanted to touch it first. Fear melted their brains but they took it in. Putting his hand forward, PK reached in to pick up a slice. He did in a straightforward manner.

"Did... you want the first slice?" PK asked kindly.
"No. I thought you could have it first, since you were the one who took me cooking and all." Protag shrugged and put his hands up, like he was giving it up to him.
"I can't eat it," PK professed bluntly.
"Oh yeah." 

Protag looked away in embarrassment and sheepishly took the slice of delight from the other's vine hand. Lightly, he took a bite and awakened in the moment. The flavours filled his senses and the world faded away as he tasted the piece of heaven in his hands. Boy, had it been a long while since he'd had homemade cake.

"PK! This is amazing! Thank you so much for letting me make it with you!" Protag stumbled upon his words a little, but the message was loud and clear. Setting the cake left in his hand down, he leaned over to embrace his best friend tightly. The pumpkin jumped a little, but rested in his arms. They both let go after a short while and stared into each others' eyes. After a solid minute, Protag picked up his slice of cake and started to eat again.
"Just, thank you a lot. It's really nice and sweet of you to do this. I'll be sure to return the favour someday." There was a pause for a moment. "Wait, you originally did this for me then?"

PK made a sort of gulping noise and sighed, "I guess so. I've never properly baked before either and I found it fun. Letting you eat it is also a part of how nice the experience was. Seeing you happy makes me happy too!" Protag got up and pet PK's head affectionately. 
"I'll be giving a slice or two to Reese for letting us borrow the kitchen. I'll be right back." And off he went.

PK lay in his room solemnly. He tried his hardest, but getting that small amount of love from Protag was enough for now. Staring up at the ceiling, he closed his eyes pensively and waited for another perfect moment to make his friend fall harder than he did for him.


words: around about 1250

AN: woah there how did you get here unless i sent you a link

but uh this was very rushed? i've never written anything involving the oddport cast, and their personalities are pretty limited so far so i have to either use a ton of exaggeration or headcanons (especially with sonny but i love imagining what he'd be like lmao).

ngl tho, i do really like pk x protag. phoebe and protag is still valid tho (but phoebe gives me BIG lesbian vibes).

i'll add any headcanons or AUs you want too :)

well thank you a lot for reading. feel free to ask for a oneshot anytime (unless i say NO) and i'll get writing it str8 away. have fun losers

from chris (a huge nerd for oddport academy)

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