Sonny x Sunglasses - I Am Too Good For Love, Unless?

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I Am Too Good For Love, Unless?

Published 25th October 2019.

Sonny was ready to sleep. He was tired after a long day at school and was absolutely ready to crash and burn out. However, one thing stopped him.

Those sunglasses. They were perfect, the deepest shade of black, a simplistic frame and cut and fit his head correctly. He was enamoured by it. He simply couldn't keep himself from staring. Snapping back to reality, he turned away whilst blushing at his stupidity.

Before sleeping that night, he delicately picked up the glasses and softly kissed them. They were repellent to all the heat from him so it was fine. Putting them back down in embarrassment, he 'fwumped' on top of his bed. 

Sneaking one last glance, Sonny's face was dusted a deep shade of blue before he dipped into a deep slumber, dreaming of his one true love.



but uh i had fun lmao

also! when sonny's face turns blue, he's blushing, as REALLY hot fire goes blue and when you blush your face gets warm. thank u boys lmao

words: 140 or something

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