Phoebe x Reese - Onlooker, Onlooker, You're So Lonely

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Onlooker, Onlooker, You're So Lonely

Published 9th March 2020.
Angst warning.


Reese keeps on looking away from his friends. They don't know why, but he's been out of the loop lately. Honestly, Protag believes something is wrong with him. Maybe he got some bad news or there are rumours about him — some sort of bullying perhaps — and Protag just wants the best for him.

PK doesn't really know. He thinks maybe Reese is secretly hurt, or just out of it in general. However, PK relates to not being in it all the time. He feels like just daydreaming all the time sometimes.

Sonny has no comment, because he hasn't noticed. He's not ignorant nor doesn't care for Reese, but is just blissfully unaware. Everyone's too scared to bring it up in conversation so Sonny has no idea.

Eddie is apathetic. He doesn't show concern at all but does inside. He doesn't know what's going on, but he's going to bring it up sometime. He can't not do that.

But most of all, Reese knows exactly what's going on. He's staring at this girl on the other side of the room, and admiring her. She has green and black hair, which spikes up in the coolest way. He wants to approach her someday and just say 'hi' or strike a conversation, but he can't. His friends don't like her, and she doesn't like them.


Reese still looks at her from afar. He's at the back and she's seated right in front of him. He gets to see her behaviours in class, and analyses them too well. He knows that, instead of patting her hair down, she sometimes spikes it upwards a little more. She always writes in black pen and refuses to do so in any other colour. Reese figured out just this lesson that she doesn't borrow pens from males, for some odd reason. Maybe he could try and get her to borrow his, just try.

"Phoebe, do you wanna borrow mine?" He asked politely after tapping her shoulder. That little bit of contact felt strangely nice.

"Uh, is it black?" She questioned him back.

"Yeah, it is. Wouldn't wanna disappoint you, hehe..."

"Oh wait! Never mind, Nelly offered me one." Phoebe redirected her attention to Nelly and left Reese hanging. Ignored. He felt a little numb, but should've known better.

After school

Reese still didn't pay attention to his friend group. The girl who took his heart was over there, just sitting with her friend, Marissa. To be frank, he was slightly scared of Marissa and was a main factor that he'd never go up to her.

Except this time, they were approaching him.

He froze. Why would they approach him?

Then Protag sighed and told them all to move. Looks like she was only there to annoy them. Reese was still frozen though, so Sonny picked him up and walked away with him. He still stared at her, like he should've stood up for himself and let her bully him. Attention is attention. Good or bad.


He stares up at his ceiling. His heart is pounding in his chest. It's 1am and he can't sleep, because his mind is plagued. Plagued with the thoughts of this girl who he wishes to get with. But, he can't.

What would his friends say? They'd certainly be at least disappointed in him. Would she even be willing to date some low down run of the mill student who likes staring at her secretly in class? Probably not. But a little bit of him hopes she would. His eyes are drifting off now and his dreams are filled with images. Images of her and him. What only belongs in a dream.


Reese woke up awfully normally. He almost forgot about her. But seeing her in the morning really awakened his memory of her. He couldn't leave it anymore.

He had to tell her.

He saw her and approached her sheepishly. He'd liked her for months now. He grabbed her arm and she turned with a stern, pissed look on her face.

"What is it, dweeb?" She asked. She was tapping her foot impatiently; looked like she had somewhere to go.

"I. I uh..." Reese struggled for words. He didn't think about it. Should he say he likes her, or ask her to be his girlfriend? The pain and indecisiveness.

"Look, if you got nothing to say, go run back to your little group of losers, alright?" She walked backwards a bit to signal she was going. It didn't matter.

"Wait! I'm here to say... to say...." He sweated a little and fiddled with his hands to keep himself occupied. "I guess I kinda.. uh..

"I love you."

She didn't respond. Mostly, she was embarrassed. A little dork friend of Protag's really was in love with her. She didn't think it'd happen.

On the other hand, Reese felt like he would cry. He didn't mean to say he loved her. It was too sudden, wrong and stupid. He stifled a sob, and turned away suddenly.

"I can't. It's weird. What would your stupid friends even think? Please, leave me alone."

And there he was. Reese, struck with rejection. The girl of his dreams, a star crossed lover who could never have what he wanted. He stood still and watched the world end.

He collapsed, and didn't remember anything.

- - -

an: whooo boy. nothing like writing a whole angst chapter in one day. this wasn't requested but i thought angst could work with these two. phoebe seems naturally cold to me and reese feels like he could secretly be insecure or something. thx 4 reading (pls request things).
not proofread there are mistakes

words: abt 950?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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