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"It was horrible Kat."

"I imagine it was."

"He just left me in the middle of the fucking woods, at night!" I sigh, glancing down at Kat who is currently lying on my bedroom floor.

"He's a jerk, that's not a surprise." Kat says, her expression stoic.

"I was almost enjoying myself, until he practically forced me to jump into that lake." I frown.

"Okay technically, he didn't force you, you agreed." Kat replies sheepishly, glancing up at me from the floor.

"Whatever. He put the idea into my head, and then basically pressured me. He was taunting me for being someone who doesn't take risks." I explain again, though I've already explained everything from last night in depth to Kat.

She's staying over at my house tonight since it's Saturday, and we both have nothing better to do.

"I get it, you were dammed if you did, and dammed if you didn't." Kat nods, trying to convince me that she's on my side. "Have you talked to him since he dropped you off last night?"

"No, he texted me, but I never responded." I shrug, glancing at my phone. It's been sitting on my bedside table all day, and hasn't rang once.

"Oh? He texted you? That's different..." Kat trails off, paying far too much attention to the ends of her nails.

"Yeah, although I have no idea how he got my phone number. I know I didn't give it to him." I say out loud, purposely looking at Kat.

"Yeah, that is weird. Super weird. He must be a stalker." Kat smiles while discreetly glancing up at me. The second we lock eyes, my own widen.

"You gave him my number, didn't you?" I sigh.

"It was really cute though, Tin! He messaged me on Facebook. He actually took the time to search for me, to ask for your phone number." Kat explains in a rush while pushing herself up off of the floor, and plopping down beside me on my bed. "I couldn't not give it to him."

"Why wouldn't he just search for my Facebook, and message me?" I laugh, nudging Kat with my shoulder.

"Don't ask me, ask him." Kat shrugs, reaching for my bowl of potato chips.

I glare at her as she sets the bowl onto her stomach, reaching in for a ridiculous amount, and then stuffing them into her face.

"I'd rather not." I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're gonna have to talk to him eventually." Kat says with her mouth full of crispy potatoes.

"Come on dude, you're getting crumbs everywhere." I sigh, "Besides, I don't really want to talk to him. Not yet at least."

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