The Cliff

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In the morning, John woke up to all the boys screaming, and joyfully playing outside. They were using sticks as swords and fighting one another. John saw Jack still trying to pick out a stick, but couldn't find Peter or Scott. John walked over to Jack, and Jack asked, "Can you help me find a good stick?"

"Sure, let's see..." John said while looking around, acting like it was a very important thing to amuse Jack. "Here!" John said, picking up a stick half the size of Jack, who is pretty small.

"No, that one isn't big enough. I need the biggest one to beat them." Jack said while continuing to look.

"Okay, then I guess I'll use this one. It's the best stick so far."

Jack stopped what he was doing and went for the stick saying, "I want it! I want it!"

"Ugh, fine." John said acting disappointed.

"Now we need to find you a ship so we can be pirates!" John and Jack looked around for another two minutes before finding one for John.

"Arggg!" Jack yelled before trying to hit John with his stick. Jack and John played pirates for a long time before John threw his sword down when Jack hit it.

"Oh no, you won! You are such a good pirate," John told him. Even on his knees John was still taller than Jack, so he crouched down all the way so Jack felt more powerful. Jack looked down at John gleefully at his words, the biggest smile on his face.

"Can we play again?" He asked hopefully.

"John!" John turned and saw Peter, and next to him Scott.

"Maybe later buddy," John said, standing up and heading towards Peter and Scott.

"What's up?" John asked.

"I'm going to visit your sister tonight so she knows you're okay and made it safety, you have time, but think of anything you'd want me to tell her before I go. Breakfast!" Peter yelled abruptly.

All the boys dropped their swords and sprinted over near the fire pit, where there was a large, circular wooden table with chairs surrounding it. Peter sat down, and Scott sat beside him. Peter gestured for John to sit on his other side, so he did. The table was loaded with eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, berries, syrup, and so many other foods.

"Where did you get all this," John asked astonished.

"This place is magic, it isn't hard for me to get this all prepared. I make sure there's a lot of food because a lot of these
boys have never had a full plate before and I want them to get used to it. And a plus side to this magical island, is you can eat as much as you want and never gain or lose any weight." Peter looked proud of himself while talking about it.

"That's so cool," John said.

As the boys ate their meals they were very chatty. Everyone was talking at once, going a million miles a second, except for Felix. He didn't say anything throughout the meal, just ate in silence. He looked very lonely and threatening in a sense, like he could just one day explode. You wouldn't expect that from Peter Pan's second in command, you'd expect them to be nice and friendly. He had wavy brown hair that was on the brighter side, and a good length. He also had grayish blue eyes which looked good with his hair.

Scott leaned over and whispered something to Peter, who gave him a nod, and Scott left.

"Alright boys, what do you want to do today?" All the boys responded at the same time, making it impossible to hear.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Someone has to be loud enough for me to hear an answer." Peter said.

Bobby spoke the loudest and said swimming. All the boys agreed that they wanted to do that so Peter said, "alright, let's go!"

Even though they were on an island and surrounded by water, there was a specific place they all wanted to go to. This area was a cliff above the ocean, about fifty feet, which they were all getting prepared to jump from. All the boys stripped down to their underwear, so John did too. Liam screamed and then jumped in first. All the boys peered over the edge to watch him land. Liam went straight under the water and popped out after ten seconds, making all the boys cheer.
Peter was flying above the area, laughing at all the boys and asking who was next. The boys formed a line because they enjoyed watching one another jump in, and some were just nervous and wanted to wait. John stood next to Harold and asked, "have you done this before?"

"I've been on this island for four years, I've done this a million times." Liam said. Then, a big smile spread across his face, "why, are you scared?"

"Not gonna lie, kinda," John said while laughing, and Harold joining in.

"It's not bad, you'll love the adrenaline you get from this, trust me."

"What about Jack? Isn't he too small for this?"

"Yeah he is, so Peter grabs him and puts him about ten feet above the water after everyone's gone, so he won't feel left
out. He lets him jump from the cliff and just catches him and then 'falls down' with him and letting go, to ease the impact." Harold put air quotes around 'falls down' so John knew Jack would be safe.

Before John knew it, it was his turn to go. John looked down at the long fall and began to back up a few steps. Left in line was just him, Harold, and Jack.

"Still nervous?" Harold asked.

"Oh yes one hundred percent," John replied.

"Common, let's do it together on three Okay?"

"Uh, yeah, okay. I don't think I'd be able to do this alone," John admitted, embarrassed.

"That's okay, I was nervous too my first time doing this. Ready? One, two, three!" They both began to run, and they both jumped into the air, John screaming and Harold silent, until they hit the refreshing cold water.

After swimming up to the surface, John gasped for air and saw Harold beside him doing the same. They both looked at each other and laughed. "See, it wasn't so bad," Harold says.

"That was bloody amazing," John said, not able to wipe the big grin off his face.

"Common, lets go to shore so Jack can jump and we can all go again."

Later that night, after they all enjoyed a big meal and sat by the fire telling stories, they all headed to bed. Before John walked into his hut, Peter called him.

"Did you think of anything?" Peter asked.

"Just...just tell her I'm happy and not to worry," John said.

"Okay, see you in the morning."

"Night," John said, as he watched Peter fly away to see his sister.

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