Emergency Room

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Wendy woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. She had a dream that Peter took her to Neverland, and it was wonderful. In her dream she was flying, which shes always wanted to do, was friends with all of the lost boys and no longer felt alone, it was wonderful.

But as she got up from her bed, she realized she may never get to experience that, and became sad. She didn't want to live in Neverland, but she wanted to visit there, to experience how incredible it was. But instead, she's in a house where she cares for her little brother Michael as her parents go to party's almost every night, and in a school where she only has two friends, and the guys mock her.

Wendy knew her life wasn't perfect, but she also knew it was a lot better than what other people had, which is what got her through hard times. Sure, taking care of her brother night after night can get irritating, but she still loved Michael more than anything in the world, so it's worth being annoyed once in awhile. But Wendy still desired to go to Neverland, she couldn't see how an island could affect her negatively.

Wendy walked out of her room to the table for breakfast, Michael already in his high chair eating pancakes, syrup all over him. She took a wet wipe from the counter and began to clean him.

"Thank you darling," her mother said as she walked into the kitchen, holding a mug of hot tea. She was wearing a fuzzy pink robe, and had her blonde hair up in pink curlers, indicating she was going out later.

Her father walked in, putting gel on his short black hair and grabbing pancakes from off the stove. "Hungry?" He asked.

"No," Wendy replied, throwing the wet wipe away.

"We're going out tonight," her father said, "its my coworkers birthday party."

"Okay," Wendy said. She expected them to go out, but it still disappointed her that they never want to stay in and have family night like normal families do. Pizza, a movie, and a board game, like in the movies. She was even more disappointed her parents hadn't noticed John's absence.

Wendy picked Michael up from the high chair and carried him to the bathroom to brush his teeth. She sat him on the counter when he was done, and wet her hand a little under the faucet, running her hand through his blond curly hair.
He had the most adorable baby blue eyes that made strangers melt when they saw him. He is an amazing kid and deserves the best. A better life than parents who party every night.

At seven, when her parents left, Wendy cleaned up the pot that had michaels dinner in it, Mac n cheese, his favorite. She gave him a bath, put him in her little onesies, and watched a Disney movie with him. She finally put Michael to bed at eight thirty, before going to her room to read.

She had the baby monitor in her room, in case he had a nightmare. Even though it was early, she got into bed, turning on the lamp that was on her nightstand, and continuing her book. Since Peter came the previous night, she had no intention of staying up waiting for him, since he more than likely wouldn't come.

About an hour passed when the baby monitor started to make noise. It was Michael whimpering. Wendy got up and walked to his room, "hey, what's wrong buddy?" She asked in a soft voice. Michael just continued to whimper, so Wendy turned on the little lamp in his room. His face was read, and he was sweating through his onside, and his room wasn't even that warm.

"Hey, come here," she said picking him up from his bed that had safety bars on the side like a crib, so he wouldn't fall off in the middle of the night. She put him on her hip, one hand on his back, the other soothing his cheek, asking what hurt.

"My tummy hurts," he said in a quiet, pained voice.

"Aww, so you think you're going to throw up?" She asked.

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