Chapter 6: Don't Dream It's Over

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"Are ye kidding me right now, princess?" Harry cried out trying to catch up to Evie who was walking as fast as she could over the bridge back to Auradon.

"I need to talk to him, Harry, and I need to do it in person," she replied much to Harry's dismay.

"So, ye're cutting short our getaway to mend things with him?" Harry stopped chasing her and just stood still. "Even after I take ye back to yer hometown, ye still go back to him."

"Harry, I can't just ignore him for the rest of my life. I love him and I want to fix things with him, yes. Is that such a crime? To want to fix things with someone you love?"

Harry stayed silent, arms crossed with a frown on his face. He knew Evie had a point, and she knew that he knew. "Fine. Ye go to him, ye fix things, and then what? Ye get back together with him? Live happily ever after?"

"Yes? Maybe. I don't know!" Evie spat, running her hands through her own blue locks. "Don't make me choose, Harry. You're asking me to choose and I can't."

"I'm not asking ye to do anything, I'm just—"

"Yes, you are! Harry, just stop, okay? You brought me here, and I had a great time, but now it's time to go back to reality. Doug is my boyfriend. Just because I may still have feelings for you doesn't mean that he isn't. I just want to see him and talk to him. Are you going to let me go or not?"

Harry tapped his foot impatiently, arms still crossed and his brow still furrowed. He avoided meeting Evie's eyes, looking off into the dark ocean that moved beneath them. He was angry she was easily going to ditch him after he had whisked her away to the Isle but he understood her perspective. He was just too stubborn to admit it.

"Fine," he mumbled, scurrying her forward. "Quickly, before I put a bag over yer head and kidnap ye."

Evie dropped Harry off at his place and drove straight back to her home where she was hoping there wasn't a boy standing at her door waiting for her to arrive.

Thankfully, there wasn't and so Evie quickly parked her car in her driveway and entered her castle, turning in various lights and igniting the fireplace. She wanted to make it seem as she had been there all day so she turned on the stove and started cooking some pasta. It wasn't long before she heard a knock from her door, signaling that the boy she was waiting for had finally arrived.

"Hello, Doug," she greeted after opening her door.

"Hey," he smiled, brushing past her and she welcomed her in.

Evie fiddled with her fingers as she followed Doug into the common room, where he immediately sat down on one of her comfortable couches. Evie sat down in front of him, the glow of the fireplace illuminating the visible nervousness the both of them had.

"I don't know how to start," she began, scratching her scalp.

"I do," he replied. "I'll start by saying sorry. I didn't mean those things that I said about the people from the Isle. You have the right to make decisions for your brand and I think it's truly wonderful that you're keeping your people close to your heart."

"Thank you, Doug," Evie smiled, lowering her head to hide her now rosy cheeks. "I know you know how much they mean to me. I'm glad we're on the same page on that."

"Is there something else to talk about?" He scoffed. "I came here to apologize for the things I said. Is something else wrong?"

Evie gulped, small drops of sweat rolling down the side of her forehead. Her heart raced, heavily pulsating against her skin. Doug noticed her anxiety and moved next to her, placing his gentle hands on her shoulders. This quickly made her stand and distance herself from him.

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