The Losers Club

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Richie's POV
I was so happy to be dating Eddie. I mean who wouldn't? If I'm being honest I've always liked him. I've just never showed it and it had only just now come to me that I should have done something. And I did. And now me and him are together. Finally. I loved that I could call him mine. I held his hand the whole way to the car. We agreed we wouldn't act like we were together in public considering I was still friends with Henry. When we got in the car we both sat in the backseat and put our seatbelts on. Me and Eddie we're both at a different window. I hated it though. I wanted him to be by me. After the car started I looked over at Eddie. He was looking out the window and I could tell he wasn't happy. I heard him sniffle and wipe his face. He was crying.

"Ed's?" I whispered to him putting my hand on his leg. He quickly wiped his tears and looked at me. "Y-Yeah?" I whispered back at me. I just held my arms out for him to move to my side and sit by me. He lightly smiled and unbuckled his seatbelt and moved to my side of the backseat. Once he got over to me I wrapped my arms around him and I could instantly feel his sadness. "What's wrong baby?" I whispered in his ear. He didn't answer he just put his arms around me and put his face against my chest looking up at me lightly blushing from the name.

"Your so cute" I whispered with a quiet laugh. He blushed even more and turn red. He hid his face in my chest from embarrassment. I just laughed quietly and kissed his head. "Now please tell me whats wrong." I whispered to him. He looked up at me. "I'm just nervous...I dont like talking to people because soon they find out I'm gay and they hate me and bully me..." He whispered putting his head back on my chest but still looking up at me with his sad eyes.

It broke my heart to see him like that. I put my hand on the back of his head and tried to kiss the top of his head but he moved so I was kissing him on his lips. Which I didn't mind just was a little unexpected. I kissed him back and he pulled back and smiled at me. "I love you baby." I whispered in his ear and kissed him again and held him close to me.

Eddie's POV
"I love you baby." He whispered in my ear then holding me close to him. I love him so much that I can't even explain it. I blushed at the name but I would get used to it. He looked out the window while stroking my hair. I was half asleep when I could feel Richie staring me and it made me smile. "I love you more than you will ever know Richie." I whispered thinking he wouldn't hear me from my Mom's loud music playing in the car. "Oh but think I do." He said in a flirty tone. I blushed and looked up at him making sure I wasn't just hearing things.

I turned a deep red color and he laughed at me. "Shut up." I said as I buried my face in his chest again. He kept laughing at me and I looked up at him with sad puppy dog eyes. He looked down at me and almost immediately stopped laughing. "Awe I'm sorry baby did I hurt your feelings?" He said in a jokingly but worried tone. "Yes you did." I said sadly. I sat up off his chest and looked away from his and acted sad. "Baby I'm sorry.." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him and moving me so I was looking at him. I was inches away from his face and I started to blush. I could tell he wanted to laugh but he didn't. I was getting impatient and wanted him to kiss me but I didn't say anything we just kept looking into each other's eyes. "I'm still mad at you." I said. "Nah" He said. "Yeah I'm very mad at you." I said sarcastically. "You won't be." He said in a flirty tone as he leaned in to kiss me. I put my hand in front of my mouth so he couldn't kiss me. When he backed up I smiled and laughed.

"I'm kidding I still love you." I said before leaning up and kissing him. Him grabbing the back of my head deepening into the kiss. "Hey lovebirds we're here." She said as she parked the car and stopped it. I got so anxious. I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked at Richie with a scared look. "Your gonna be okay. If anyone does anything to you I'll do something about it okay?" He said looking at me in my eyes. I nodded and kissed his forehead and got out of the car and stood by the car awkwardly. I didn't know what to do so I just waited for Richie to get out the car. I looked over at Richie as he got out of the car. I started to shake from being nervous.

Tough Love///Richie x Eddie FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang