The first 'fight'

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Richie's POV
I didn't know how to respond since I'm still friends with Henry. "Richie?" Eddie asked looking at me worried. "I don't know.." I replied. "Why not?" Ben asked. "I still have to sit with Henry.." I said scratching the back of my neck. I looked at Eddie and he looked hurt. Once we made eye contact he just looked away from me and continued talking to everyone. Then my phone vibrated and Eddie looked at where it was coming from while talking then looked back at everyone and kept talking. I looked at it and  was a text from Henry. It read 'Hey Rich wanna come over?' I just looked up at Eddie and frowned and Bev noticed.

"Richie you okay?" She asked. Everyone looked at me. "I got to go." I said as I replied to Henry with 'Yeah omw'. I got up. "Bye guys." I said. "Bye Richie." Everyone said with a smile except for Eddie. As I left the room I felt someone following me but I didn't say anything once I got out the room and heard the door close behind me I turned around and saw Eddie quickly walking to the bathroom with his head down. Once he got in the bathroom I quietly walked to the door and stood by the door making sure he wasn't crying. Then I heard him lean against the wall and slide down the wall and sit on the floor. Then I heard him quietly crying. "Ed's?.." I quietly said.

"What?." He said clearly upset about something. "Can you please come here?" I asked just wanting to hold him. He opened the door slowly reveling his red face from crying. "Awe baby what happened?" I asked genuinely worried. I held my arms out and he jumped into the so fast I fell over and fell on the floor. I laughed to myself and propped up against the wall and held him on my lap. "Okay what happened?" I asked putting my hands around his waist and looking into his eyes. "I don't want to go to school anymore..." He said. His tone making my heart break. "Why not?" I asked. "I'm tired of Henry's shit.." He said taking a short pause then looking away from me.

"And I know your not gonna do anything about it." He said heartbroken. I didn't say anything. "Where were you going." He asked in a serious tone looking at me in my eyes. I didn't say anything I just looked away from him. I felt so terrible. "Anwser me Richard." He said seriously. I knew he was very serious when he used my real name. But I still stayed quiet. "Richard." He said getting off my lap and standing in front of me. "Henry's house." I finally said looking up at him I could see the heartbreak in his eyes. "I'm so sorry Baby-" I started to say before he cut me off. "I don't need your apologies Richie." He said his voice breaking.

"Eddie Baby-" I tried to talk again. "No. Just go Richie. And don't call me 'Baby'." He said seriously but his voice still breaking. I stood up and tried to pull him into a hug but he backed up. "Got to Henry's house." He said looking up at me with a tear running down his cheek. Tears started to run down my face and I just walked away trying not to lose it. "Richie are you okay?" Eddie's Mom asked me. "Yeah I'm just going to my friend's house.." I said my voice breaking but not looking up at her. I ran through the door and started walking to Henry's house. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay with Eddie but I messed that up. I couldn't help but just start crying as I was walking and of course it had to get worse.

It started raining. I finally got on Henry's road and I cleared my face and stopped crying do he didn't suspect anything. I got to his house and knocked on the door. "Oh hey Rich come in." He said. I walked in and got a towel since I was soaking wet. "Bro who's cologne is that? It's really strong like you wear yours but it not the same. It's very familiar thought." He said. I panicked immediately. Eddie always puts a ton of cologne on and since I've been with him and holding him so much his smell was on me. "Um I used my Dads.." I lied. "No you didn't. I don't know what his smells like. That one on the other hand is very familiar. It's like I've smelt it everyday-" He paused. Then looked at me in disgust.

"W-What?" I asked kinda scared. "You've been with Eddie haven't you??" He asked me getting closer. I didn't say anything I just backed up. "YOUR GAY AREN'T YOU?!?" He yelled at me. My eyes went wide. "AND YOUR PROBABLY DATING THAT F*G!" He yelled at me. My eyes went from being scared to being mad. "You can call me whatever the fuck you want but you never call him a 'f*g' you understand me?" I said feriously. He just looked at me up and down in disgust. "Get the fuck out of my house. And never come back. F*g." He said mad. I went to the door and flipped him off slammed the door and started walking to my house in the pouring rain.

I started crying uncontrollably. Once I got off of Henry's road I heard a familiar voice calling out my name. I quickly looked up still crying and saw Eddie crying in the rain calling out my name. "Eddie." I said loud enough for him to hear. "Richie?" He said looking at me. I held my arms out while walking over to him. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly while crying. "Eddie! Come on its raining out here!!" I heard Mike say. "Yeah come on!" Bev said after them when they saw us they just smiled and walked back inside. I picked him up like a baby and I carried him back to Bill's house. He snuggled up into my chest and I just smiled at him.

"Ed's I'm so sor-" I started to say before he cut me off. "No I should be saying sorry.." He said looking up at me. When we got to the door I opened the door and went upstairs. I went into Bill's room. "No y'all need to dry off b-before coming into MY room!" Bill yelled at me and Eddie. We laughed and he went to the bathroom and got us both towels. And we sat on the outside of the door so we weren't in his room but we could still talk to everyone. Even though it was mostly just me and Eddie talking to each other. Then Eddie started shaking. "I'll be right back Ed's." I said getting up. "Okay." He said with a smile.

I went down stairs and to his Mom's car and grabbed my hoodie that I was wearing earlier and went back inside. I went back upstairs and sat by him. "I'm back." I said smiling at him. "Hi." He said with a cute smile. "Here." I said handing him the hoodie. "Awe thank you." He said with that cute smile and he went to the bathroom to take his soaked shirt off and put the hoodie on and came back out and sat on my lap. Later we all decided we would spend the night at his house and go to school the next day.

We all went to sleep Bill and Stan on Bills bed. Mike on a little couch in Bill's room. Bev on a little air mattress. Ben on the other couch in his room. And me and Eddie on the other air mattress. I couldn't sleep because I heard someone talking in their sleep. I soon found out it was Eddie so I tried to figure out what he was saying. "Please stop...Don't call me that.." He said in barely a whisper but his voice still breaking. "Calling you what?" I whispered in his ear. "F*g." He whispered back to me. I just pulled in close to me and he woke up. He turned so he was facing me and frowned. "Who called you that?" I asked in a whisper. "W-What are you talking about..?" He whispered looking away from me.

"You were talking in your sleep." I whispered making him look at me. "Henry." He said his voice breaking. I held him closer as he quietly cried into my shoulder. "I love you baby. I hope you know that." I whispered in his ear. He stopped crying and looked at me and smiled. "Trust me I do." He said with a smile. Then he cuddled up to my chest and fell back asleep. I did too soon after that. All I know is that tomorrow. Is gonna be a long day.

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. It's very cold where I am (like 43°) so I might post more often on this story and my other one. So yeah bye bye guys!!✨💕

Word count: 1551

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