Baby Boy

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Richie's POV
Once Eddie was inside Henry wasn't missing as much and I started getting hit. I didn't care though because I love Eddie with all my heart and would do anything for him. After a few minutes he stopped. He shoved me down and I fell back. "F*g." He said angrily as he walked away from school going back home. As soon as he walked away I got but and ran into school as fast as possible. I found my friends and ran over to them almost falling over from the sudden stop. "Where's Eddie??" I asked out of breath looking at all of them. "He said he was going to the bathroom-" Stan started to say before I cut him off.

"Okay thanks!" I said before running to the bathroom but when I got in there I walked quietly. I could hear someone crying very quietly. "Ed's?? Are you in here??" I asked out of breath. The crying immediately and I heard someone move as I walked closer to the last stall. The door opened and Eddie ran at me and hugged me tightly lightly crying into my chest. "Shhh your okay Ed's." I said quietly to calm him down. Then I sat on the floor and looked at him. "I wanna go home.." Eddie said looking to the side. "I know but we've missed so many days that we can't skip.." I said looking at his bruise feeling guilty for not doing anything sooner.

"I'm smart. I can just study extra hard." He started to beg like a little kid trying to get something. Then he looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "Oh come on Ed's. Don't do that to me." I said looking away from him."pleeeeaaaasssee??" He started to beg. I groaned. "Okay fine." I said playfully rolling my eyes. I stood up and started walking out. "Well come on slow poke." I said with a laugh as he ran after me. We went to our friends first. "Hey guys I'm taking Eddie home y'all wanna come?" I asked. "Yeah sure." They all said. "Okay let's go." I said and we all started walking out to Eddie's house.

Eddie's POV
We where all walking home and everyone was talking except for me. I stayed quiet. Then I remembered something. "Hey guys?" I asked kinda quiet not wanting to interrupt them. "Guys. Eddie wants to say something." Richie said considering he was the only one who heard me the first time. Then everyone looked at me. "I just wanna worn y'all about my Mom. She really overprotective. And embarrassing. But when we get there y'all will have to stay downstairs while I fix my room up. And my Mom might try to talk to y'all." I said with a small laugh. They all nodded and continued to talk. While they were talking I looked across the road and saw my Dad outside his house giving me a disgusted look.

I got scared and hugged Richie's arm still looking at my Dad. Richie noticed and looked at me then at my Dad. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer and kissed me making sure my Dad saw and gave him a grin. My Dad gave me and Richie a disgusted look and Richie flipped him off and I giggled. My Dad just rolled his eyes and went inside his house. We finally got to my house and I went up the stairs to my porch in front of everyone getting my key out and unlocking the door and peeking my head in. My Mom saw me and looked at me confused. "What are you doing here so early?" She asked me confused.

I showed her the bruise before talking. "Henry." I simply said. "Oh Eddie Bear! Are you okay?!" She said worried and I heard my friends quietly laughing at the name I shot them a look of annoyance and they didn't stop so I just rolled my eyes and looked back at my Mom. "Yes I'm fine but is it okay if my friends come?" I asked hoping she'd say yes. "Yes of course. Is Richie here?" She said with a smirk. "Yes Mom. He is." I said rolling my eyes as I came in side and let my friends in. "Hi Mrs. Kaspbrak!" Richie said with a smile. "Hello Richie." She said with a smile. "Okay so this is Beverly." I said pointing at her and she just gave a shy wave with a sweet smile. "That's Stanley and Bill." I said pointing at them and them just smiling. "That's Ben and That's Mike." I said pointing at them then looking at her with a smile. They smiled at her.

"And you already know Richie." I said grabbing his hand and smiling at her. "It is very nice to meet you all. I'm Sonia. But you can call me Mrs. Kaspbrak or Sonia I don't care." She said with a smile. They all just gave her a nice smile. "Well I'll be right back I'm gonna go fix my room up before y'all go up there." I said grabbing Richie's hand. "Richie come on your helping me." I said pulling him twords the stairs. "Are you sure your just going to clean your room?" She said with a smirk. Everyone laughed even Richie. "MOM!" I said my face bright red. "Yeah Eddie Bear. Are you sure we're just cleaning your room?" He said with a smirk. I looked at him annoyed and hit his arm walking up to my room him following me laughing.

Tough Love///Richie x Eddie FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora