The war begins

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In another universe, separate from the canon universes, Madoka Kaname was in a room at the secret base. "Hey, Madoka!" It was her childhood friend, Sayaka Miki. "Hey, Sayaka," Madoka said. "Are you nervous about the war?" "It's rather scary thinking about it," Sayaka replied. "But we're well prepared so we probably won't be too bad." 

Someone else walked into the room. "Homura," said Madoka. "Hi, Madoka," said Homura. "I hope you won't join the war." "How come?" Madoka asked. "It's too dangerous, you could die, and I'd never want that to happen." "But Madoka has an incredible amount of power!", came a voice from the other side of the room. "Kyubey," Homura said. "I won't let Madoka contract with you!" "But why?", the alien creature said. "She could defeat a whole army in one shot! You should let me turn her into a magical girl!" "I won't allow it," said Homura. "I just want Madoka to be safe."

"Anyway," said Sayaka. "You should return home, Madoka. The secret base is for magical girls only. And your family will be waitnig for you at your house. Come on, the magical girls will be instructed to leave in a few hours!" "Okay," said Madoka. "You promise you'll stay alive?" "I'll try," said Sayaka. "If it means I can protect you, I'll do that," says Homura. "Girls!", I said. "It's time to assemble at the entrance!" "Sayaka!", came a voice from behind me. "Hey, Kyoko," Sayaka replied. "You ready to fight?", Kyoko said while offering her an apple. "Sure, I guess." "Well, come on. Eat that apple and we'll join the others at the entrance room! I'm excited." 

Mami was waiting at the entrance room. "You're late," she said. "I'm quite sure our commander told us to gather here 10 minutes ago." "Yeah..." Kyoko said. "Sorry." Madoka was standing at the door. "Please leave," I said. "Okay," Madoka told me. "But can I say goodbye to my friends first?" "Sure," I told her. She hugged her friends, while tearing up. It was such an emotional moment to see, I felt like tearing up too. "Now, you should leave," I told Madoka. "Okay, Miss!", she said and then walked out of sight. "Do you think the enemies will appear in Mitakihara?", asked Homura. "I don't want them attacking anyone, especially Madoka." "I don't think so," I replied. "But they might. However our base is in a very secret area so the magical girls staying in here probably won't have to worry." 

"RIGHT!" I shouted through the megaphone. "Everyone ready?!" "YES!", the young girls shouted back. "As you know, Walpurgisnacht's grief seed is in a room. Somehow, enough magical girls were gathered to defeat that witch, congratulations to anyone who assisted in the battle! I managed to track down the seed and found it in a neighbouring city. As I have analysed the seed, it is enough to clean 20 soul gems that are almost at full corruption!" Everyone cheered. "Other than that, you all have at least one grief seed with each of you. Role call! Iroha Tamaki!" "I'm here!", she said. The girls from Kamihama have been invited to Mitakihara to fight in the war, as well as others from other cities. "Yachiyo Nanami!"..."Momoko Togame!"...."Kanagi Izumi!"...the list of names went on. I called out the last name, and then shouted out, "ARE YOU READY?!" "WE ARE!!!" they shouted back. "Great! The first group to come out are Homura Akemi, Sayaka Miki, Mami Tomoe and Kyoko Sakura! Please board jet number 1 to attack the Nation of Corrupted Cars! Everyone else stay here until I call you!"  

The war begins. 

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