At the Nation of Corrupted Cars

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Homura's POV:

We didn't have the power to teleport or fly, so of course, even as magical girls we have to use a plane to go to another country. Because even if we did have those powers we'd end up corrupting our soul gems anyway. As I lay on the couch, I heard someone speak. "Hello? This is Commander Spitz speaking!" "Hello, Commander Spitz, this is Homura speaking" I said. The jet was magically enhanced and it could completely fly itself and never needed a pilot. "Are you at that place with the Corrupted Cars between France and Italy?" "No, we're still flying." "How's everyone?" "Kyoko is drawing on Sayaka's face while she is sleeping and Mami is also asleep." "Oh, I have got complaints from Sayaka about this. But they do seem to like each other. Do you ship them?" "Hey, I never knew you liked shipping. You're always so serious, like me." "Hehe, yes, but does that mean I can't have a little fun?" "Of course not. How's everyone else?" "Okay. The next group is going to attack the New Republic of YUOC, it stands for something but we still don't know, and the next one after that will be attacking the Stolen Anime, so they would be crossing over. Anyways, I need to check the others, so good luck and bye!" "Bye." The call ended. I then went to sleep. I hoped Madoka was alright.

The next day, when I woke up, the sun was shining into my eyes. It turns out we have landed. Everyone else was awake. We change into our magical girl forms and prepared our weapons. I had many bombs and guns, and a single bazooka in the shield that could let me store as many weapons as I needed to. It could also stop time, which I would use during the battle, and turn back time. You may be wondering why I needed to turn back time. It's something related to why I care about Madoka so much. Anyways, me and the others went out of the jet and activated the magical forcefield that if anyone who wasn't a magical girl touched it, they would be stunned by the forcefield immediately and be thrown back 100 metres away from the jet. "What was that place called again?", Kyoko asked. "And where are we?" "At the Nation of Corrupted Cars," I replied. "And that's the name." "Oh, thanks." I stopped time so nobody would see us while we ran to the place. The objective was to stop the cars from having the world be taken over by them. The headquarters were far away, but this was where one of the bases were.

I unstopped time and we walked in. The cars seemed to have turned on by themselves. I attacked one with a gun, but no holes appeared. In face, the bullets appeared to have bounced off back to me. I ran away from them. "These cars seem harder to defeat than witches!", Sayaka complained." "The attacks are constantly bouncing off," said Mami. The others were having the same trouble. "The cars have forcefields!", I loudly said to everyone as I thought about why. I stopped time. I looked everywhere for the button, then I saw a red button with a picture of a forcefield-like shape. I unstopped time and pressed it. "You can start attacking again!", I yelled. This time, when I saw Mami attack the car with her musket rifle, many bullet holes appeared. Then we were able to damage the cars enough for them all to deactivate. "We did it!", cheered Sayaka. We all had at least one grief seed with us, Commander Spitz told us all to bring all the grief seeds we had with us. I cleaned my gem. We were now ready to take on the other cars, so we went to the next place with corrupted cars. "Commander Spitz, we have defeated all the cars in one place." I spoke into the speaker of the magical radio phones our commander gave us. "Great!", she said. "You still have the magic map I gave you?" "Yes." "So let it guide you to the next place. Good luck!" 

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