Part 2

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I stare at his graceful hand. Adding lines here and there. the drawing slowly coming to life on the page. " How could I use the spirit realm to help me get back home?"

 He looks at me. Eyes lighting up. " Make an escape!"

 " That's even more idiotic than your first idea. if could even manage to escape, then I'd have to go into hiding.I'd basically be a fugitive. Neither of us wants that."

His head droops, hair falling into his face. " True." He goes back to his drawing. " Maybe there's another way to use the realms to help. A way that proves your stubborn ass right so they can see you're not crazy. Then they'd have to let you go."

  A voice echos around me. " Sam! Wake up!" It's trying to draw me away from the night realm. Back to the hospital. Jasper carries on, oblivious to the words. My body feels a though it's being forcefully dragged from this realm. " Jasper... They're waking me up."

 " What! but it's still night-time. You're supposed to be sleeping..." He looks around his studio. " It is still night, right?"

 " I think so... We haven't been here long."

 * * * * * * * *  

 "Sam, wake up." My body is being shaken roughly by the shoulders. " sam!"

 I open my eyes slowly, trying to get used to the physical realm again. "What!" I spit at the doctor whom I was talking to earlier.

 " it's time for your meds." I glance past him toward the window. The sun is barely starting to come up!  " No, it's not! It's not even six o'clock yet! I'm tired and need to get back to the other realm. Let me sleep." I pull the covers over my head and turn away from him...

" You only need nine hours of sleep. Since you went to bed so early, you've already reached that. Take your meds."


* * * * * * * * 

" Mom, you don't understand. I'm taking the meds I need to feel better, but I don't need these new ones. I'm fine now. I feel good." I pace around my white hospital room. I have to convince her not to sign the papers that allow the doctors to force the meds on me.

 " that's not what the doctors are saying, hun..." She sounds close to tears. " please, just listen to them. We all want you feeling better and home."

 " I am better." I hang up the phone, not giving her a chance to respond.

 honestly, there was nothing ever wrong with me, but I thought by taking the anxiety and depression meds it would convince the hospital that I'm okay. I was wrong.

 Out in the hall I walk to the nurse's station and drop the phone on the counter. " here, I'm done with it." The nurse looks up at me, his eyes look a lot like Jaspers. " everything okay?"


 I walk back to my room, feeling his eyes on me the entire time. There has to be some way to get out of here with my realm jumping abilities still intact. Those medications are not going anywhere near me. Sitting on my bed, I look out the window. Maybe if I moved something while projecting. I could have them watch the tapes. Even if they asked me to do it again, I could. That would definitely prove I'm right and that I don't need the meds...

 The nurse appears by the doorframe. " It's my job to know when someone needs to talk. What's up?" He leans against the doorframe, arms crossed.

" I want to go home," I mumble in a huff. 

" I thought your other realms felt more like home to you. Can't you visit them?" He purses his lips. That stupid smug look on his face just like it is on everyone else's here.

" Great! Another person who doesn't believe me!" I look away., not wanting to ee his stupid face. " I don't belong here. I'm not sick or crazy!"

" Okay, okay. Why don't you tell me about these realms?" He steps into the room and sits by me on the bed.

 I clench my fists. " You'll either mock me or use what I say against me later on."

 "I promise not to mock you and nobody around  here listens to me either, so whatever you tell me... it stays between us."

I look at him out of the corner of my eye. his eyes look so honest. It would be nice to have a friend in here...

 " No mocking?"

He raises his hand. " No mocking."

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