Chapter 5: Meeting Boo Radley

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Arthur carried Scout back to the Finch's house. He walked up the door just as Calpurnia opened it. He dipped his head and smiled at her, then walked inside. Atticus took Scout from him. "Jem's in there if you wish to see him." He said, then to in Scout to her room. Arthur walked into Jem's room. The young not he usually saw playing with his sister, was now stuck in a bed. A cast wrapped around his arm. A product of one man's hatred. Arthur remembered hearing the sound of Jem's arm breaking that night. He shuttered at the thought. Bob Ewell nearly ripped his arm off. The bitter man wasn't looking to hurt them, he wanted to tear Atticus' children apart. Arthur looked down at Jem. He would protect them. Jem opened his eyes and jumped. Then he turned and looked at Arthur.
"No way." He whispered. He stared at Arthur, not believing that the man he was looking at was in fact Boo Radley. The man he and the otner children of Maycomb had geared for so long. ""Jem asked. Arthur smiled and nodded. "Th-thank you." Jem tried to hold in his tears.  He felt bad for the things he indirectly did to this man. Arthur whispered to Jem, and that was the first time Jem ever heard him speak.
"Thank you." He said. Jem watched in disbelief as Boo Radley, a normal human being and the man that saved him and his sister, walked out of his room. Jem looked in the direction of the box he stored all the gifts Arthur gave him and Scout in. Calpurnia walked in and started to give him his medicine.

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