욕실 바닥

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Running through the halls to the most isolated bathroom in the school, I could barely see anything. I was gonna go home, but I couldn't go outside in such a mess. Crying frantically, my vision blurred and I bumped into someone. I was in such I panic I couldn't tell who it was I really did not care. All I wanted was to get the meat out of my hair and dried sauces off of my shirt.

When I made it to the bathroom, I sunk to the floor unable to go on. I hadn't realized how numb my body had become. I ran all the way here purely on adrenaline. Although my body was numb, everything inside still managed to hurt. The most painful thing I have yet to experience. I'm leaving. I can't stay here. At one time I thought I was in a kdrama. The unpopular girl coming to a Korean school who gets push down then picked up off of her feet by the handsome jock, but who was I kidding. It's completely unrealistic. Everyone here is cold hearted and hates me.

I'm starting to think I just stole someone's apple. It wasn't left there for me. I misinterpreted it because I so desperately wanted a happy ending, but happy endings don't happen for people like me. Not in Korea, not in America, not anywhere. Only in movies. And it freaking sucks, because I'm freaking awesome and no one cares to know. No wants to know me.

I sat on the floor and cried.

10 minutes passed.

I laid on the floor and cried.

I lost track of time.

But I managed to get up. I managed to get to my feet, wash my face and get the food out of my hair. However, tears still stained my cheeks.

I decided to leave the bathroom. It was the middle of sixth period so I should be able to leave without anyone noticing.

I walked out of the bathroom. Someone is messing with me. Another Apple sat on the water fountain across from the bathroom along with a note. I walked towards it cautiously afraid it was some sort of prank. I grabbed the note first.

I noticed you didn't eat. I'm sorry. I also noticed you thought you found me, so what happened is kinda my fault. One day I'll get the courage to tell you who I am. I'm sorry Claire.

I don't know what to think. Is someone messing with or is this for real? Either way it's pathetic. Either I'm a joke or I'm a joke and some nice person pities me, but not enough the take the backlash that would come with talking to me. I hate this school, I really hate this school and everyone here. I'm done. I'm done trying for the rest of the year. I won't talk and I'll avoid as many people as can. Except for my teachers of course and maybe I'll become invisible instead of a target. I haven't done a single thing to anyone, why are they doing this. Just because I'm a little bit different.

My stomach growls.

The apple looks more appealing. For the last time I'm optimistic and bite into the apple. It taste fine and after eating it I'm still alive.

I decide not to leave but go to the rest of my classes since there's only a few more minutes of sixth period left. I just missed art class, which I'll be able to catch up in no time. The bell rings and I head to my final class for today.

I walk into robotics class making eye contact with Jungkook. I immediately averted my eyes. I'll never look at anyone here ever again. I walk by him and I could feel he was still looking at me. I hope I don't still have food in my hair. That's so embarrassing.


I suddenly remember the project in math class. He must know he's my partner now. Oh no, what was I thinking. He doesn't want to be my partner. After class I'll just ask Mr. Min and ask if I can work by myself. I'm sure Jungkook can find another partner.

The entire class goes by and not one time did I focus in the subject being taught. Something about coding. I found myself instead staring at Jungkook from behind. His luscious locks and the way his uniform fit around his muscles clearly defining them. I'd try to snap out of it, but soon I'd be drawn right back in and I hate him for it. Just kidding, kind of.

I had made it to the end of class. I waited for everyone else to clear out before approaching Mr. Min's classroom.

"Um excuse me, Mr. Min."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"About the project. Is there anyway I could work by myself?"

"Huh, I thought you wanted to-

" I know what I said, but I changed my mind. I don't want to work with him anymore."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"N-no, nothing happened it's just, it's just he doesn't want to work with me. I over heard him talking about it. He said he'd rather work with Seokjin and Hoseok."

"Are you sure because the other day he said-

"Yes I'm sure! Really it's fine. I'd rather work by myself." And not drag anyone else into my misfortunes.

"Um okay. I'll talk to Jungkook."


"Okay see you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye."

I felt so relieved. It was like a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. Now Jungkook isn't forced to work with me. And I won't have the chance to be potentially bullied by him. Sure he's never done it directly, but spending so much time with him would give him the perfect opportunity. And let's be honest, I don't want to risk it. I'd rather think of Jungkook as I do in my head. Perfect. Not a bully, but sweet and nice to be around. Wow I'm really pathetic.

I won't even allow myself to look at him anymore, but somehow I manage to do just that. And not only that, but think about him constantly. And to be honest I don't really know why.

I continue to walk home after leaving the grocery store after picking up a few things for dinner. It's only about half a mile until I get to my house, tiny apartment rather. When I get there I reach for my key to unlock the door. The door that now I realize a strange man is standing in front of.

Who the heck? I start to panic. what does he want? He knocks again and waits, but of course no ones comes. The man sighs and turns away from the door facing me with a stranger look on his face.


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