식료품 교환권

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Bed time is literally my favorite part of the day.

After I took a shower, I make my way into my cozy bed and reflect on tonight's events. Me and jungkook went on our first official date. That's hard to comprehend, knowing how things started out for me. If things get serious between us, I definitely would not mind staying in Korea. The food here is one reason to stay and on top of that I would have jungkook.

Now I just have to figure out what to do about this stalker person. I honestly don't know what to believe. I mean if this is a prank, it's been pretty drawn out—but those kids are cruel and quite capable. This person could also high key be some weirdo that I probably should avoid talking to all together. But there's just something that makes me not want to block him just yet. I guess you could describe it as plain curiosity. "Who could it be?", that's the question stuck in my mind.

I still would be with jungkook despite finding out who this person is. I'm not curios in that way. I would never fall for someone so cowardice, that they feel the need to hide behind a phone screen, but I still can't help but wonder.

I should probably go to bed soon, I have a busy day tomorrow. I suddenly recall the conversation I had with Mr. Min (A/N: Yoongi for those who didn't put that together 😂😂). I have to tutor Park Jimin, who apparently hates my guts for no apparent reason. But let's be real, he's one of many. People will always hate me, without even knowing me simply because I'm black. And while it's upsetting, I can't let it bother me or I'll never live a happy life. I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart—and my college resume—but mostly out of the kindness of my heart. If he doesn't want me to tutor him, I'm perfectly fine with that, I didn't really want to do it in the first place.

Okay enough ranting, I'm going to bed now.


I woke up to a good morning text from kook saying he was coming to pick me up. I realized that I was running behind so I quickly got ready and ran out the door just in time to catch jungkook pulling up.

"Good morning. Thanks for coming to pick me up."

"No worries, you're house is on the way so..."

"Oh really, I didn't know you lived back that way."

"Yep, right on the outskirts of Seoul."

I wonder about the day when I can meet his parents and family. I can't wait to see who kook favors and gets his good looks from. If I had to guess, I bet it would be his father. Boys always take after their dads.

"So what do you want to do after school today?"

"We can't do anything, I have tutoring remember."

"Oh yeah with that Park Jimin kid."

"Is he not your friend?" I laughed.

"Yeah he's a pretty cool dude...eXcePt fOr wHEn hE's spENdINg aLoNe tIMe wiTh mY giRL!!"

I couldn't hold back my laughter. I didn't realize jungkook was the jealous type. It's so cute. "Kook you really don't need to worry. I promise. I find him very UNattractive."

"What are you talking about...Park Jimin is one fine looking young man." I gave him a strange look. "What? I'm just stating the facts."

"You're actually insane." I laughed.

"This is no laughing matter."

"Babe chill." By this time the laughing tears were raining down my cheeks.

"Okay fine." I wish that I could reassure him and let him know that Jimin really isn't a threat to him. I recall the memory of him going off about some person he despises and doesn't want to work with. I knew that people didn't like me, but I think that occurrence was one that hurt me the most. More than being called names, more than being pelted with food, but because he was one of jungkook's friends. I guess I just had higher expectations for him. But it's whatever I guess.

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