Chapter One

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Distant voices and blurry vision. Cuan groans as she slowly lifts her head off the ground only to have something press against the middle of her back. A gun.

"Who are you?!" A deep male voice asks. The gun presses down harder against her back as she tries to roll over to see the man's face. "Don't move! Answer the question!"

"Cuan... Cuan Bryan." She groans out, worry filling her face as she saw another pair of feet approach her.

"Dean, what are you-" A second voice speaks up, softer but just as deep.

"How did you get here?!" 'Dean' presses the gun more into her back.

"I-I don't remember! I d-don't know where I am!" Cuan spouts out. 'Dean' clearly doesn't believe her as he flips her over onto her back and points the gun at her face. Sea-Green meets raging emerald eyes. The other voice speaks up again.

"Dean, just- relax for a moment. She might be telling the truth."

Cuan sees the gun waver slightly before being lowered to the man's side. She lets out a shuddering breath of relief. She wasn't going to get shot dead today.

The demi-god slowly gets to her feet, now noticing the old, black, muscle-car looking vehicle to her right. Cuan leans against the car to help support her weight as a searing hot stab of pain shoots up the back of her neck and through her head, her vision blurring.

The owner of the second voice walks cautiously closer. "Are you alright, miss?"

Cuan shakes her head which only makes her vision worse. "I.. don't know... the.. the last thing I remember.. I was in Greece." She turns to look at the man but instead merely sees the man's plaid-covered torso with a large hand nursing an injured and bleeding one. Cuan squints slightly before looking up, meeting the soft green-hazel eyes. "Who are you?"

"I'm Sam, Sam Winchester. That's my brother, Dean." Sam gestures over to the grumpy looking man who had held Cuan at gunpoint just moments earlier. She nods slowly, taking in the information as she slowly gazes around the area. Winchester? That name sounds familiar.

"Where.. am I?" The confusion was clearly etched onto her face, she doesn't recognise this place. A river runs past nearby, surrounded by some tall trees and dense bush.

"Sioux Falls, South Dakota."

Cuan leans her head back against the car, closing her eyes and rubbing her face. "oh great, I know exactly where I am now, thanks," she mumbles sarcastically before giving the tall, brown-haired male a slight glare. "I'm a foreigner, I have no fucking clue about American geography."

"Ah.. right. Um, about the kind of... north of the middle? Does that help?"

Cuan nods slowly, "Vaguely... How the fuck did I get here? from fucking Greece?" It's a rhetorical question, she doesn't expect it to be answered but Dean speaks up anyway.

"Why don't you tell us?" His voice has a hint of snark to it. Cuan turns her head to face the shorter of the two men.

"Look, the last thing I remember, I was checking out a possible hunt off the coast of Athens." Her headache worsenes as she tries to recall more memories.

Dean quirkes an eyebrow, "You're a hunter?" Cuan nods slightly in reply. "Then you wouldn't mind if we did a few tests to make sure you're human."

Cuan sighs internally. Hunters and their distrust of others. She gestures lamely with her right hand. "Yeah, whatever, knock yourself out."

As Dean gets out his holy water and silver blades, Cuan looks back at Sam. "...What's the date?"

The tall Winchester checks his phone. "30th of September, 2011" Cuan holds her head in her hands and mutters under her breath. Sam puts his phone back away, frowning. "Something wrong?"

"...I've lost an entire year's worth of memory."

Before Sam can respond, Dean douses her face in holy water. Cuan actually welcomes the cooling sensation the water dripping down her face, helping to reduce her headache. "Thanks. I needed that."

Dean grunts a response, seemingly unhappy that he hasn't received a reason to fill her with lead yet. Sam decides to continue the conversation from before. "Your last memory was from last year?"

Cuan nods, wiping the water from her face with the sleeve of her jacket. "Yeah... about... April last year? is when I was in Athens."

Dean interrupts the conversation again with the second test, cutting a small incision on her arm with a silver blade. Again, Cuan passes the test. As far as the Winchesters know, she is human.

I'm not a threat to them. I don't hurt humans. But they're hunters; shoot first, ask questions later. They won't care that I'm not a threat, they'll kill me just because I'm not human. I have to be careful.

Cuan's thoughts are broken by Sam speaking up again. "Well, since you're a hunter, perhaps you could team up with us while you regain your memories?"

Dean furrows his brow, "What? No. Absolutely not!" The brothers get into an argument over having Cuan hunt with them but she blocks out their voices as her headache becomes worse. She holds her head in her hands as she slides to the ground, eyes closed tightly before everything goes black and her body hits the ground for the second time that day.

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