Chapter 2

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Cuan groaned as she came back around to consciousness. The hushed voices pause for a moment before footsteps approached her. 

Cuan blinked away her blurred vision as a face came into view, Sam Winchester. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

Cuan rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up, "Better... got a headache.." She looked up at the moose-person, "how long was I out?"

"Just a few hours. We're at a friend of ours's house now." The tall brown-haired man moved out of the way to reveal a comparatively short older man with a ragged hat and scruffy beard.

"Name's Bobby Singer." The older man spoke with and voice equalling the gruffness of his appearance.

"Cuan, Cuan Bryan."

"Unusual name."

"..My parents were unusual people." Not a total lie.

Bobby raised an eyebrow but didn't ask more about it. "...So you're a hunter?"


"and you can't remember what you've been doing for the past year." His tone was almost accusing. 

He's interrogating me. Fan-fucking-tastic. I might be able to hide my identity from Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum, but this Bobby Singer guy is sharp.

"Erm... yeah. I have a slight problem there. The last thing I remember, I was on a hunt in Athens."

"What were you hunting?"

"Not sure to be honest. I was following some odd occurrences; missing people, sudden earthquakes and storms, electrical equipment going haywire, and all that kinda stuff." She left out the fact she had also been having nightmares about certain Greek monsters being unleashed. Fun times. 

Bobby was asking another question but Cuan couldn't hear it as she was getting another blinding headache. The black-haired woman held her head in her hands as she closed her eyes, waiting for it to pass. Images flashed in her vision, flittering in and out of focus rapidly. The image of a woman dressed in a simple white gown with a golden chest plate and helm burnt into her brain but it was all a blur except for her eyes. The woman's eyes were a piercing, intelligent grey. Cuan knew who this woman was, but couldn't remember.

Cold, icy water was splashed over her, breaking Cuan out of her trance-like state. She looked up in surprise, seeing the two Winchesters and Bobby staring down at her with a range of different expressions. Sam looked concerned for Cuan, Dean looked confused and Bobby looked both curious and skeptical. 

Cuan held her head and rubbed her eyes, "sorry I-" she started to mumble before getting cut off by Bobby.

"You were muttering something about a woman in white? The hell was that? Some kind of vision?"

Cuan hesitated before nodding, "..Yeah... I don't .. know exactly who it was but I feel like I recognise her."

"Maybe this woman is the reason you don't remember the past year?" Sam suggested softly.

Cuan chewed on her nails, a habit she had when she was thinking. "..Possibly..." She slowly looks around at where she was, taking it all in for the first time.

The place looked like an old house with books, loose paper and empty bottles of various alcoholic drinks scattered about. Typical hunter house.

Dean noticed her looking around at all the various books. "..Bobby might have something on this mysterious woman if you can give us a description."

Cuan reluctantly agreed to the idea despite knowing it could lead to the discovery of who she really is. "Tall with long brown hair, grey eyes, golden chest plate over a white gown."

The three men nodded as they take mental notes and began sifting through books, the oldest of the three gestured for Cuan to do the same. She headed to the Greek section. 

It's most likely to be someone Greek considering I am Greek too, right?  

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