Chapter 2

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Mitri took her advice and carried Nina to the kitchen, passing confused crew mates every so often. Most were still out, enjoying themselves but homebodies like Cyril, a Diastorian carrier, stopped to talk. They were translucent, shapeshifting being who generally maintained a bipedal, lithe, elve-esque appearence. They were like static light at times. Also, on the less impressive side of the spectrum, they were terrible at taking hints.

"Who is this child?" They asked, matching his brisk pace. "Is she your child? Have you impregnated a human carrier?"

Mitri growled, "Not the time, Cyril."

"What time is more appropriate?" Cyril asked, "I wish to make an appointment."

"I still don't take appointments."

"I am having trouble determining how you distribute time and attention."

"You'll figure it out eventually." Mitri bypassed the mess hall to the kitchen and sat her down on the kitchen counter, going into the refrigerator for something suitable for a child. There was a collection of earth vegetables in there, cooked various ways for warm up and easy distribution. Mitri settled with that, tossing it into the microwave then giving it to Nina. She stared at the plate and fork like she's never seen anything of the likes before.

"It's food," Mitri told her, a bit stupidly if he was honest.

"Perhaps you should feed her," Cyril suggested from the door way. Mitri nearly jumped when he announced his presence.

"I told you, this isn't the time," Mitri said irritably, "Now go away."

"The Captain has explained to me that I am allowed to occasionally reject orders," they stated. "In this circumstance, I will apply that right." Cyril wandered closer. "May I ask the young human for a name?"

"Her name is Nina. Why are you here, Cyril?"

"I quite like the look of your species, pre-maturation," they raised an experimental hand and petted Nina on the head. She allowed it, though her eyes were cautious. "She is far smaller than you, allowing for easy handling while caring for her needs. Should a predator come along, her stature is optimal for hiding in spaces where they cannot reach. Truly, you are designed for a home world full of danger." Cyril took the plate from Nina and forked one of the vegetable slices. "May I feed her?"

Mitri never really understood Cyril. He also never tried to and wasn't going to start now. He just shrugged and let the lifeform do what they wanted.

Nina looked at him questioningly when Cyril raised the piece to her mouth. Mitri asked, "Do you want him to stop?"

She hesitated for a visible moment before opening her mouth, consenting to letting Cyril feed her. Mitri sat on a stool while they went through the slow process of feeding her and found himself dozing off. He had no idea he was this tired. A quick look at his watch told him the night was only halfway over yet it felt like days had passed. Once Nina begged off a piece of carrot, Mitri shot to his feet and picked her up.

"Thanks, Cyril. Do you mind straightening the kitchen up? I need still need to wash her and put her to bed."

"I do not mind at all," Cyril assured him. "Though, I will do it in exchange for a verbal contract, allowing me further access to your offspring."

"Yeah, fine. See you later, Cyril."

Mitri carried the girl that was definitely not his offspring to his room. The Captain obviously had someone deliver clothes and another bed for Nina. His quarters were a decent size with living space and a bed room. Unlike those under his command, he hadn't had to bunk with any one until now. He put Nina down on her new bed and went through the bag of clothes for a sleeping gown. Once he found one, he carried her over to his shower and stopped dead in his tracks.

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