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An icy breeze swept over the family as they climbed from their automobile and onto the pavement, servants had already started to unload their bags from the boot under the instruction and critical eye of Charles Cooper Anderson, the father of the Anderson Family.

"She sure is big" Cooper Andrew Anderson mumbled to his younger brother, as he was leant back against the family's automobile with his eyes admiring the majestic ship ahead of them.

"Hmm" Blaine Devon Anderson hummed, assessing the ship's size, "Her size is nothing special" Blaine shrugged slightly, deciding that the Titanic didn't look bigger than any other ship he'd seen before and Cooper decided not to bother arguing with his stubborn sibling.

The two men stood in a comfortable silence, every so often Cooper would glance back up at ship, clearly struggling to ignore the magnificent work; unlike Blaine who was more than happy ignoring the ship entirely.

"Here she comes" Cooper said tapping Blaine on the shoulder and nodding towards a familiar vehicle as it drove towards them.

A girl with beautiful brown locks emerged from the back right door of the vehicle, her smile was wide and her eyes shone as she caught sight of the brothers. She waved shyly at them as she waited for her parents.

Blaine smiled politely as he waved back.
"How is she so shy? We've known her almost our whole lives," Blaine quietly asked Cooper as he turned back to him.

Cooper shrugged though he was entirely aware of what was going on and why Rachel Berry was suddenly a much more nervous and timid individual when it came to the Andersons, or more specifically Blaine Anderson.

"Odd," Blaine mumbled, unable to come up with an explanation. "Oof" Suddenly Blaine was shoved into his brother causing them both to glare at the lumbering oaf who'd shoved him and the seemingly delicate boy following after him.

"Peasants" Mr Anderson said, scowling having seen what happened as he approached the boys after he'd made sure all their luggage was safely on the ship.

Mrs Anderson was the last to get out of their automobile, her husband helped her onto the pavement and held his arm around her waist for support. Despite Mr Anderson's usual discriminatory behaviour, he'd been nothing but supportive of Mrs Anderson when her legs had started to stop working. He'd taken her around the country in search of a doctor who could help but none of them had been able to figure out what was happening to Blaine's mother.

Once the family of four was together they joined the Berry family and headed towards first class entry.


"Come on, Kurt! We don't want to miss it!" Finn yelled back to Kurt over the sounds of the busy street. The pair pushed and shoved past the crowd waiting to wave off their friends or loved ones that surrounded the ship, earning them several glares. They'd had some last minute issues to attend to and had insisted Burt and Carole set off without them, promising that they would not be long. However what Finn had estimated to take 20 to 30 minutes had turned into just over 2 hours and the brothers were now sprinting towards the Titanic in all her glory.

Once they'd made it onto the ship they headed to E deck to find that the room was barely bigger than a storage closet; not that Kurt had been expecting much more but it didn't stop him from being surprised that his father and step mother had a bunk bed to share barely a foot away from his and Fin's bunk bed. Naturally he took the top bunk, being the lightest out of the two boys.

Carole had informed Kurt once he'd unpacked his few belongings that his father was in the engine room preparing the machinery. He nodded his appreciation and headed to the deck to read without any distractions from Finn.

Midway through his book when he got distracted; he couldn't help but admire the upper class, though snobbish and arrogant. Though it wasn't so much the people he admired, he enjoyed watching the lifestyle, the fashion. He enjoyed the fantasy that their life appeared to be, of course he knew it probably wasn't as perfect as it looked but that didn't stop him from hoping that maybe one day he'd be a successful enough tailor to engorge in a life like that. Even just being able design gowns and suits for them would be equally as satisfying.

He'd caught himself staring at two upper class families he'd seen earlier when he and Finn had pushed past one of them on their way to the working class entry. He noticed one of the mother's of the family was almost being held up entirely by her husband and wondered what that was all about. Even if it was socially acceptable for him to approach them looking for polite conversation, he'd never dream of asking. It would be disrespectful under any circumstances. But that didn't stop his curiosity.

One thing that did stop his curiosity, however, was a curly haired boy, possibly her son, scowling back at him, causing Kurt's eyes to quickly turn back towards the book in his hand as if he'd never even looked up.


"It's that boy from earlier" Blaine thought looking over the deck and noticing the inquisitive blue eyes looking up at his family and the Berry's. A smile slipped onto his lips for a second or two, something about the boy made Blaine feel drawn towards him.

As quickly as the small, polite smile had appeared, it vanished as soon as he realised what his eyes had actually been staring at. His mother. A menacing frown took the smile's place. Judgemental looks weren't something that Blaine would ever get used to, he was defensive when it came to his mother and her condition, whatever it may be. The boy seemed momentarily panicked when he spotted Blaine's expression and quickly glanced back towards the book in his hand.

"Have you told Blaine yet?"

Being dragged back to reality and conversation he'd managed to tune out, Blaine's head shot back around to his family as he heard Mr Berry's words, raising his a triangular eyebrow in question.

"Told me what, Father?" He asked finally meeting his father's beady brown eyes.

"Blaine, come with me" he let Cooper take Mrs Anderson's weight from him and lead Blaine back towards their suite, which he had noticed weirdly only had two rooms...


[A/N]: I hope you enjoyed the prologue! I plan to make the rest of the chapters much longer, I just really wanted to get the Prologue out as soon as I possibly could!

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When The Ship Docks is also available on FanFiction.Net, AO3 and Quotev under the same user ;)

Word Count: 1088

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