Chapter 6: Hold on to Hope

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It was the middle of the night when Blaine had made his way back to his suite. Kurt had chosen to stay with his father despite Blaine's protests. Rachel hadn't been in bed when he'd returned, he didn't mind though. After forming their plan he had a pretty good idea of whom she might be with, but again he didn't mind.

He quickly got into bed and let the night take him away.


A small thud caused Kurt to jolt out of his sleeping state, he had been trying to find a way to stay awake when he'd started reading a book. Guessing by the open book by his feet and his sudden awakening, it hadn't worked. He sighed and shuffled closer to his father's bed. He lay his head on the bed next to his father's upper arm and cupped his still hand between his own, the position was uncomfortable and awkward but he just wanted to be close to him.

His throat constricted and ached as though he was about to cry but not tears came. For the first time nothing came. The pain made the hours seem longer and when the sun finally rose his eyes and head aches as well. He heard the door creak open a few hours after sunrise and didn't have to look up to know who it was.

Blaine wordlessly pulled a seat over to the bed and sat next to Kurt. He passed the younger man a small bowl of fruit he'd managed to get from one of the kitchen staff. Kurt nibbled on the food but didn't make much progress. Since hearing about his father, he'd found that he had little to no appetite.

Finn came to check up on Burt too but he had to work, or that's what he claimed, so the visit was brief.

Though the pit in his stomach and the need to cry would say otherwise, he had a good feeling about today.


Blazing sun unleashed its beams upon the deck, an unusually warm breeze swept the upper class deck of the ship. Baby blue skies looked upon Rachel. Her eyes were closed as the gentle wind blew her hair behind her.

She couldn't wait to arrive in America where her big dreams awaited her. She had a feeling her parents weren't as supportive of them as they said. They often compared her to Cooper's soon to be wife as if suggesting she should start trying to be more like her. She had to admit that she was a little jealous of Lucy Fabray's golden locks and pretty hazel eyes but she could tell the woman beneath was cold even if no one else saw it. Maybe it was the jealousy speaking but she truly believed it wasn't, after all Rachel wasn't short of self esteem. In fact some might say she had too much of it.

Foot steps began to approach where she stood but she didn't open her eyes. She assumed it would be a stranger but when a sickly sweet voice began to speak she was forced to hide her disdain and unscrew her eyes.

"Rachel what a surprise! If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing out here all on your lonesome," she asked innocently.

Rachel took a deep, calming breath, choosing to ignore the condescension in the other young ladies voice, "I could ask you the same question Luciana."

"Oh, stop being so formal. I think we're good enough friends for you to start calling me Quinn."

Rachel raised an eyebrow but Quinn didn't acknowledge the expression that gave away how the brunette was feeling. 'Friends? Since when were they friends?' Rachel thought to herself. "Okay, Quinn," she spoke, trying out the name on her tongue but not thinking much of it.

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