Chapter 4: Blissful Tragedy

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On April 3rd Blaine woke up in a happy daze; memories of the night before and the tingling sensation when their lips made contact still lingered on his mind. He could barely wait until the ship reached New York but he couldn't focus on that yet, he still had appearances to hold up for now.

"Mr Anderson?" Rachel's voice pulled him back into reality where he sat in his assigned seat at the table while his family and their company enjoyed a large breakfast.

"Yes, dear?" He'd been trying to get used to using pet names despite the surge of discomfort in his stomach whenever he used them in reference to Rachel, especially while she still had to use such formalities as 'Mr Anderson'.

"Would you be so kind as to accompany me to afternoon tea later today?" She asked above the teacup that she had raised to her lips with her pinky outstretched.

"Of course." He smiled despite the utter dread that roamed throughout his being. "If that's okay with you, mother." He turned to his mother, hoping the subtle pleading in his eyes got across to her in her muddled state and that she would save him by requesting his company as per usual.

"That's not an issue at all, sweetheart, your father will just have to be my companion instead." Her loving smile as she turned to her husband as an invitation still amazed Blaine, even after twenty six years of seeing it. How his mother - a kindhearted, loving woman - had ever fallen for his stone cold, judgemental father, he would never know. Opposites attract, he guessed.

A gleeful smile sprung onto Rachel's face as she almost jumped for joy at the confirmation of their plans, while Blaine's face had taken on a wistful look as the familiar melody filled the room. Out of the corner of his eye he could see his beloved artist on the bench in front of the grand piano. His slender figure held a strong posture as he sat up straight with his arms bent at a ninety degree angle as he played. It was a miracle Blaine wasn't drooling over the young man on stage.

He was truly beautiful.

For as long as he could remember, he'd never shown an interest in other men but it wasn't like he was particularly interested in women either. Though he had to admit, women were beautiful.... But they weren't Kurt. No words could do Kurt justice: his angelic voice made Blaine feel like he could fly; his smile could stop wars; his soft, brown hair felt like heaven when his fingers ran through it and to top it all off, the cherry on top of the cake, he was Kurt's and Kurt was his.

A smirk appeared on Kurt's pink lips when he caught Blaine's staring eyes, causing the hazel eyed boy to remember Kurt's kiss swollen lips the previous night. He could feel the heat rising up the back of his neck and quickly turned back towards the table, hoping to prevent any more memories from uprearing their head to create a rather embarrassing problem.

He could feel unmoving eyes locked to the back of his head. Without having to check he knew those eyes were a cerulean blue with tinges of green and he couldn't help smiling at the idea of a future filled with them. Of course he knew they'd have to hide their love, that it'd be forbidden. And maybe he was a fool to give up everything for a man he'd met only a few days prior but what could he have done? When you meet someone and everything about them says it's destiny what was he supposed to do? Deny them? How could he refuse such a tempting offer?

Only when his company started to rise from their seats did he manage to pull himself back to reality.

"Blaine." His father spoke in a stern voice. "You and Cooper are to accompany me on a tour of the ship." Blaine was about to argue when his father started to walk away with Cooper in tow, not giving Blaine the chance to deny his demand. Blaine speed walked to catch up with his father and older brother, despite the fact that he'd made plans with Kurt the previous evening and they were supposed to meet in an hour or two. Something told him he wasn't going to get out of this. How long could it possibly take anyway?

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