Chapter 2: A fun night?

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[y/n]'s POV:

"So what do you guys want to do?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. The boys shrugged, "Come on guys! Let's have fun!"

"How do you suggest we do that?" asked Todoroki,

"I don't know..." I started, "OOOO, how about we make a night of it? We'll start with a couple of games to get to know one another. Then we can eat some dinner and watch a movie?"

"Yeah! that sounds like fun [y/n]! Let's do it!" cried Midoriya, I smiled at the cinnamon roll,

"Thanks Izuku," I said softly, his cheeks turned a deep red and his arms started to flail,

"W-what f-for?" he stuttered,

"For being you, oh, is it okay if I call you Izuku?" I asked, remembering that it was Japanese tradition to call people by their last names,

"S-sure, call me whatever you want." he smiled at me widely. That smile is so god damn contagious.

"Well, let's start with... Truth or Dare!" Bakugou groaned,

"Really? that's the best you can come up with?"

"Come on blasty, it'll be fun, and you need to chill." I nudged him playfully, he rolled his eyes, but I think I saw a small smile fly across his face for a second, "Okay, who wants to start?"

"I'll start," Bakugou said, staring at me intently, "[y/n], truth or dare?"

"Truth." I always go with truth.

"What is your deepest, darkest fear?" He asked, grinning evilly at me,

"Wow, really getting into it Baku, I see you." I tilted my head and thought about it for a second, "I don't really know, maybe having to see something happen to a loved one and not be able to stop it." I said, there was a second of silence before I turned to Todoroki,

"Truth or Dare?" I asked


"Tell me something you don't want me to know," I said, smirking.

"That isn't really a truth question..." he started

"Just answer Todo," I said curtly

"Um, something I don't want you to know is that... I think you're cute" my cheeks flushed a light pink and I stared at him. How can he say that with a straight face? I quickly made my face neutral and tucked some of my hair behind my ear,

"Thanks Todo, it's your turn now." he nodded and looked at me,

"Truth or Dare?" he asked me,

"Wow, is no one going to ask Izuku?" I chuckled, "Truth,"

"You guys are boring," grumbled Bakugou

"Just give it a minute, we're just getting started."

"[y/n], tell me something you don't want me to know," Todoroki said,

"You can't just steal my question!" I exclaimed,

"I just did, now answer."

"No, those are the rules dude!" I protested

"Fine," he pouted slightly, cute, "Do you think I'm cute?" he asked. I choked,

"Huh?" did this kid just read my mind? "um... Nah," he slumped slightly, I giggled, "I think you're hot." He looked up at me through his bangs, his eyes had a strange look in them. We stared at each other, a smirk on my face and a look of lust on Todoroki's.

"Oi!" said Bakugou, snapping his finger in my face, "Get back to the game dumbass."

"Yeah," I tore my gaze from Todoroki and looked at Izuku, "Truth or dare Zuku?"

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