Chapter 4: Let's go on a hike

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[y/n]'s POV: 

I yawned and opened my eyes. I sat up slowly and stretched out my back as I looked at the clock. Then the memories of yesterday hit me, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki were in my house! I quickly shot out of bed and flung the guest bedroom door open. The three boys were all up, sitting on their beds and on their phones. 

"What the fuck is up with you?" Bakugou grumbled, 

"Sorry, I thought I was dreaming yesterday," I said as I took a breath. I relaxed against the doorframe. "So what do you guys want to do today?" I asked, 

"I don't know, what can we do?" asked Midoriya, I shrugged, 

"Anything you guys want. I just need to make a quick call to get you guys some clothes." I said before turning out of the room. 

Bakugou's POV: 

I looked up sharply as the door banged open, [y/n] was standing in the doorway, she was in a black tank top and sweatpants. I'm not going to lie, she looked good. The top was form-fitting enough for me to see the dip of her waist and her slim but firm build. I smirked, 

"What the fuck is up with you?" She proceeded to answer about her thinking this was a dream or some shit like that. After asking what we wanted to do, one thing popped into my mind but Deku answered before I could say anything. She left the room after saying something about needing to make a call. I glared at Deku, 

"Why do you always ask stupid questions Deku?" 

"H-Huh?" he looked at me bewildered. I huffed in annoyance before standing up and walking out the door. I walked down the hall and saw [y/n] leaning against the wall, her phone to her ear.

"Yeah, that would be great, thank you so much. I owe you one," she chuckled before hanging up. She looked over at me and smiled before her eyes trailed down my chest, which was bare. I smirked,

"Like what you see?" I asked, expecting her to get flustered. She raised a brow and took an agonizingly slow glance as her eyes raked me up and down. I felt myself getting flustered in her stead,

"Maybe I do." She laughed as she walked past me, she bare shoulder brushing mine, sending an electric shiver ran down my spine.

"Who was that on the phone?" I asked, she looked over her shoulder and smiled,

"A friend of mine, he's going to lend me some clothes for you guys. I'm just going to change real quick before heading out." She continued to walk down the hall and I trailed after her. She poked her head into our room, "While I'm out, you guys figure out what you want to do today. Mkay?" Deku and Half-n-half nodded, she turned to me and smirked, "You got that?" I huffed,

"Yeah." A laugh echoed from her lips and she disappeared into her room.

[y/n]'s POV:

I threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater before heading out. I walked to the train and waited patiently on the platform. As the train pulled in, I walked on and found an open seat, sitting down as I took out my headphones. I slipped them on and let my music fill my head. After a couple of stops, I stood up and walked off the train. I dialed my friend's number as I walked down the streets,

"Hello?" his voice rang out on the other end,

"Yo dumbass, it's me, I'm almost there," I responded, he laughed,

"Alright idiot, see you soon." A couple of minutes later, I was standing in front of his door. I knocked loudly before letting myself in,

"Chris!" I yelled into his house, his mom popped out from the kitchen,

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