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That's Harry's floor. I was actually glad. I mean he had a really creepy vibe but maybe he was just processing who I was, he could turn out to be a really nice guy.

He takes me down the stairs which have these glass walls where you can see every floor. "I've never seen a stairwell this open." I say looking at the investors trying to close a deal on some rich dude. "Well here at S.I.C we like to have a open feeling ." I nod "Its also really nice people can see if somethings going down in here." He shakes his head, "Actually no. Its a one way mirror. We can see them but they can't see us. We don't need them being distracted." I purse my lips,"Huh."

We continue down five flights before we stop at the sixth floor. "This is you." I scan my eyes around the room looking at each one of my co-workers. "You're actually lucky. You get one of the most welcoming  floors in the whole entire building. "Yay me." I say giving a light Chuckle.   He points at each one of my fellow employees telling me their names, but when he lands on Harry it sends chills up my spine. He was looking directly at me. Like he could see me through the glass."And here we have Mr.Styles," He Takes a deep sigh "He's a rather quite soul. He comes in does his work and leaves. I woulnd't disturb him. Its best if you stay away from that one." He looks as if he's pleading with me to stay away from him. "Yes, sir I'll make a mental note." He smiles a little then carries on. "You're desk is the one across from Zayn." He doesn't mention how me and Harry have a perfect view of each other speaking we are diagonally across from each other.

He opens the door to my floor.  "Ladies and gents," he claps his hands together.  "We have a new employee." He swipes his arms to the side as if he were showing off some showcased prize. I give a shy smile and wave slightly. "Well hello," Zayn says. He's a looker I may add.

Jet black hair, beautiful hazel eyes, a very intense jaw line, and tall and slim.  "Hey, hi! I'm Blaine Fetcher."  I say extending a hand.  He looks at it and laughs. "Come here." He pulls me in for a bear hug. I pat his back awkwardly.  "I can tell you're a very nice person." He let's go with a chuckle. "Smith said make you feel comfortable, so I'm making you feel comfortable. "

Zayn directs me through the co-workers. There's Tate, she's very attractive, tall, black hair and the black eyes to match, I think she takes a lot of pride in being African-American and working at S.I.C,  and that's totally understandable.  Then he moves on To Niall, He's a cute blonde Irish lad. He's smart but a little immature. It works for him though. It adds a cute boyish since to him.  He next moves on to a few of the Web page designers,then Harry. He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.  "And this is Harold Styles. One of the more different people here at S.I.C." I swat his shoulder. "That's rude!" I say shocked he would say it right to his face. "He can't here me he has on his headphones. He always does so the point in talking to him his useless. " He turns around and heads back to his desk. I look at Harry and he takes out his headphones. " Yeah, I'm the black sheep of the office. Don't be surprised if I bring a gun to work and kill everyone. " He puts his headphones back in and has the weirdest smile on his face.

And it was that moment I was sure my Co-worker was a complete physcopath.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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