Chapter 22

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Jesy and Perrie were sitting at each of the windows in the backseat of their driver's car. School wasn't over yet but they were being taken home early. It was around eleven right now.

Jesy was actually pretty angry. Right when I made up my mind to not go back home this happens. With the situation presented she kind of had to go home. Their parents were called from work by the police and they requested that all of them come home for a family meeting. It's not fair. If they want to scold anyone they should just scold Jade and end it. Heck they should even scold Leigh-Anne. What was that girl's problem? All she ever did was trigger people and then get hurt to cause issues for all of them. Why couldn't she just behave herself? She was so annoying! Jesy left her alone to stop the conflict in the house and now she was fighting with Jade?? Grr. . . She really hated Leigh now. What was her deal? Yeah they shouldn't scold Jade. Just scold Leigh. She's just . . . problematic.

Perrie was still in her gym uniform, holding her arms and staring out the window.

Jesy looked to the youngest and felt bad. Poor Perrie. She had to see all of that. According to everyone at the school, Jade had grabbed a knife out of nowhere and had started to stab Leigh in the shoulder. I know she didn't stab her. This would be way more serious if she did that. Leigh had only stayed at the hospital for an hour and was now at home so she knew it wasn't a stab wound. Jade probably just gave Leigh a deep cut. There had been a lot of blood on the court according to some kids who had seen the cleaner cleaning things up but Jesy knew that if it was really serious that the girl would still be at the hospital for sure.

Now the two of them were entering their home. "W-we're home." Jesy said with her hand in Perrie's. The blonde was quiet but Jesy knew that she wanted someone to hold her.

Their house seemed a bit darker and ominous somehow to Jesy.

They walked into the kitchen and saw their parents there with Stacy, a police officer and . . . Jade and Leigh at the table.

Jesy moved her eyes from person to person. They settled on Leigh now and she noticed that the girl wore a sweater and sweat pants while staring at her clasped hands on the table. She seemed to be frowning, angry at someone, maybe everyone. Asshole. And suddenly, Jesy believed strongly that she herself was not the problem in the slightest. She looked to Jade and saw her sitting there nonchalantly, appearing bored with an elbow on the table and a hand at her own cheek, staring downward. Her clothes resembled Leigh's. In fact, to Jesy it looked as if Leigh had probably raided Jade's closet to get what she was wearing. Did Leigh usually wear sweats?

"Good, you girls are home. Have a seat." David sounded mad. His arms were folded and he stood next to Alison who carried his expression.

Perrie and Jesy took seats across from their sisters then looked to the adults.

Stacy shook her head. "Well." She appeared to be very disappointed and angry at all of them.

Jesy didn't get it. Why were they mad at her? Why did everyone look mad at all of them?

"Well what?" Jade asked. "Didn't everyone already explain to you all how everything happened?" She gestured to Leigh. "She knew I was afraid of clowns and yet she sent one at me and I decided to kill it to conquer me fears like you all taught us to do and then she tried to stop me so I thought it would be good to get rid of the family's problem."

"Jade come on. Why are you saying this? You can't call Leigh-Anne the family's problem? She's your sister! All of your sister! You guys are being raised together. Why can't y-" Alison shook her head.

The police man began to speak. "Young lady murder is no small feat you know. What you've done has landed you expelled from your school and you could have had charges pressed against you if it wasn't your own family whom you did this to. Now I've been speaking to your parents here for a while . . ." The man was looking at each of the girls in turn now. ". . . and it seems as if you all get into fights like this quite often." He paused for effect. "Whereas it may be a fun pass time to do at home, it is not okay to get on that way at school, a public setting where there are other kids present who could get hurt as well. The students' parents seem to not want any of you back there for their kids' safety." He gestured to Jesy. "You broke her shoulder before. You're all clearly dangerous to each other and maybe to other people. I mean if I were your good folks here I would send all of you off to some kind of juvenile detention because it seems as if that's what you need."

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