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The nerves ran down my spine as I walked into the elevator, floor 66 R.O Enterprises. I pushed the button and waited for the elevator to go up; every time it opened up to a floor to let someone else in I felt my heart drop. 63...64...65...66. Oh shit. I'm not ready, I can't do it, I'm shaking in my shiny black heels, chewing on my lip as the doors slide open. I take a deep breath and step out onto the black tile floor, just to be greeted by a well dressed tall woman, tight black pencil skirt with a black button up blouse and tall black heels. "Miss Carlo we've been expecting you, nice to meet you, I'm Alice." She spoke in a sharp straight forward tone that sent chills down my spine. "H-hi n-n-nice to me-e-et you."

She lead me down a long out stretched hallway, the walls were glistening white with black furniture and lavender accent decorations sitting around. With every step we took towards to end of the hall I could feel my throat struggling to collect air and my heart pounding so loud I was convinced Alice could hear it. We were just a few steps away from the black double doors that would probably open up to his office. They were the blackest of black, I couldn't even tell if there were handles on it or not, it was intimidating. Alice placed the first knock on the door, gentle but loud, causing my stomach to jump to my throat... this was happening I'm here at his office. She knocked on the door twice more and it slowly creeped open. "Go ahead." She motioned to me.

I stepped into the office, dark walls, dark wood floors. God why did I have to do this? My best friend Kathryn, was getting engaged and moving out with her now fiancé, now that I'm on my own in the cold of New York City, my measly job at a local coffee shop wasn't going to cut it anymore. Kat supposedly knows a guy who knows a girl who knows this guy and says he pays good and will help with housing.

There was a huge leather chair at the wooden desk that slowly spun around as the door closed. "Mrs. Carlo." He whispered as the chair reached the center of the desk. I was trembling at the sound of his voice, quiet yet so harsh, I felt like I was going to faint from nervousness, between how important this man is and how the rest of his staff looks and I'm expecting him to hire someone as lowly as me? "Hello Mr. Olson, it's Miss, I'm not married." All I could see in the dimly lit room were the gleam of his bright blue eyes, staring so mincingly at me. "Oh," he smirked "Why are you here, Miss. Carlo?" He put his hand on his chin questioning me like a child.

"I need a job, I heard you pay well." My voice trembled as I spoke to him. He stood from the desk and slowly walked over to me. His shiny black boots clanked across the floor, with every step he took my heart was beating faster. "A job? Do you really think a job like this, is for a girl like you? Stand up." He had stopped directly in front of the chair I was sitting in. I quickly stood up to his demand and he scanned my body. Although he wasn't as tall as I expected we were almost eye level in my heels.

I was wearing a half sleeve, low v neck, tight black dress that stopped right above half thigh. My ruby necklace fell in-between my cleavage and matched my dangly earrings. I glanced up for just a moment to see him still glancing at my body biting his lip. "I think that you'll fit perfectly here," He smirked "Stop looking down, it's so unattractive." Wait, unattractive? Did he think I was pretty? I looked up and met my eyes with him. There was a warmness in the air between us but it was still ice cold. He inched himself closer to me and scanned me once more before turning and walking back to his chair. "Yeah I'll call you tomorrow to let you know if you got the job, if you show up dressed like that again you might as well show up, but I have many other people more eager than you to interview today. So I'll let you know" he spoke almost as harsh as he started the conversation.

Dress like that again??? Did he like it?? This man is so intimidating and it terrifies me. What will it be like with me working for him? Will he be rude or sweet? What even is the job I'm applying for? I guess it doesn't matter as long as I'm making the money. 

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