Fading practice

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I scream even louder as I throw the girls lifeless body off of me. I start to cry uncontrollably. I hear the leaves crunching under Max's feet as he comes running towards me. "Amber! Oh my god are yo-" he cuts off his sentence as he sees the girls lifeless body laid out besides you. Max looks at me stunned.
"W-w-we....." He can't even say any words.
"Max... What's wrong with me?" I say gasping for air between each sob.
Max picks my up and throws his hood over his head and run me back to the house.
Max's mom left a note in the kitchen saying that they went over to their neighbors house for a while. Max runs me up to his room and throws me some regular clothes so I can change out of my gown.
"Hurry put these on!!" Max says worriedly.
"Max what is going on!? I saw as I unzip the gown, "And don't look!!"
Max turns around and I take the gown off and put on shorts and a t-shirt.
"Now tell me what's going on!?" I ask furiously.
"Let me see your mark, Amber.." I lift up my shirt so that he could see my hip.
We both look at my mark in shock.
I wasn't like Max's... I was a current..
Max sink to the floor.
"Max? ..... MAX!" He sits there on the floor and I sit down next to him and hold his face in my palms.
"What is going to happen to me?...."
I ask him slowly.
"I-I don't know..." He hesitates to say.
"No one can find out about this, Amber! If anyone finds out, all hell will break loose!" He says frantically.
He takes my hands off of his face as I start to cry.

It's the next morning, I didn't move from his room at all because I was too afraid of what Max told me the last night. Max walked back into the room.
"I need to figure out what's happening with me, Max!" He looks at me with concern as it say that. He bites his lip and nodes "yes". Me and him run out the door of his home and out the gates of Froge. I grabbed my jacket on the way out.
Were standing in the forest a ways away from the village.
"What now?" He asks, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"I need to know how to fade.." I saw as I inspect my palms.
"Hand my your jacket" he says holding out one hand. I hand him the jacket and he takes out his hilt from his pocket.
"this is going to hurt.." He says with a frown. The sword activates and becomes a smokey blade just like before. He takes my hand and cuts my palm! I scream in pain and he turns my hand over and drips the blood onto my hood. I yank my hand back in pain but as soon as my blood dropped on the hood, the pain stopped. I looked down at my palm in shook, see that the cut Max put through my hand has vanished.. Like it never happened.
Max hands me the jacket back.
"Put it on this is were the fun begins!" He says with a smile, putting his hood over his head. I smile back and put the jacket on. I let out a deep breath and put the hood over my head. I feel a rush of energy as the smoke engulfs me and I become a dark, shadowy, figure.

I look down at my palms flipping them back and forth, checking out my entire body that is no longer my human form. I see Max flashing past me and I smile and chase after him. The feeling... Of running was nothing like running like a human. You went so fast nobody could hear or see you. It was a feeling I could never forget and would always love. Max run up beside me and we started laughing. We stopped by the pond by the village to rest. We took off our hood and Max sat down on a rock.
"T-THAT WAS AMAZING!" I shouted with excitement. I reached up to put my hood back on by Max stopped me before I could.
"You don't want to wear yourself out on the first day!"
I blushed, "okay fine! But how about one more go!"
I threw on my hood and ran off. I could hear Max shout "hey!" Behind me as I ran. Running... Was more like flying and teleporting all in one. You could go so fast! But your feet were always on the ground. Now I know how Max got into my house with out me knowing!
I didn't look back and I couldn't hear Max anymore running behind be but I didn't care, I loved this so much!

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