As Teachers

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Bill: Professor Denbrough; Quidditch coach; Bill is normally kind to his students, but he doesn't put up with fighting. The students get along with him well, though some make fun of he stutter (he only stutters when he's worried about a big upcoming Quidditch game)

Mike: Professor Hanlon; Class: History Of Magic; Mike is well liked by his students, even though most of them find the subject he teaches incredibly boring. He also works part time at the Hogwarts Library.

Beverly: Professor Hanscom; Class: Transfiguration; Bev is a highly respected teacher at Hogwarts. The students like her, but are a little afraid due to the one time she turned a student into a toad for making fun of Bill's stutter.

Richie: Professor K; Class: Defense Against The Dark Arts; Richie is most students favorite teacher. He always jokes around in class and the Muggle Studies teacher (his husband uwu) often has to tell him to actually teach.

Eddie: Professor Kaspbrak; Class: Muggle Studies; Most students like Eddie but hate the class he teaches. They know he hates germs and illness so some students try to clean up before his classes, while the others make sure they're a mess before class. Eddie often has to nag the Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher to actually do his job.

Ben: Professor Hanscom; Class: Herbology; Ben is a cheerful teacher who loves to teach his students all he knows. The students respect him and are a bit loud in his class, but they all shut up when his wife, Professor Beverly Hanscom, enters the classroom to say hello.

Stanley: Professor Uris; Class: Care For Magical Creatures; Stan is always helping the students to learn about the Magical Creatures of the wizarding world. Most of the students love him, but he sometimes gets a little boring when he goes on a rant talking about Magical birds.

(Thought is put this at the bottom of the page but here's some clarification about some things
Richie and Eddie are married and took Kaspbrak as their last name. Eddie goes by Professor Kaspbrak and Richie goes by Professor K
Ben and Bev are also married but they both just go by Professor Hanscom. It gets confusing sometimes to students but otherwise it's fine.
Bill and Stan are also married but kept their own last names.)

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