During The Battle Of Hogwarts

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(This is them as adults and teachers btw)

Bill: Professor Denbrough was fighting toe to toe with two death eaters along side Professor Uris. They were fighting just outside the Ravenclaw common room, trying to keep them from reaching the students. They were able to fight them off. They thought they had seen the last of them before one of the death eaters by the name of Vic Criss swooped in, grabbed Stan and flew away on a broom he had summoned.

Mike: Professor Hanlon was helping Professor Bev Hanscom keep death eaters away from the library where a few students had hidden. They managed to help the students escape the library and make it safely back to the Ravenclaw common room. They stood guard there while Professor Denbrough flew off on his broom after the death eater who had taken Professor Uris.

Beverly: Professor Hanscom was guarding the Ravenclaw common room with Professor Hanlon after rescuing some students from the library. A, newly recruited, death eater attempted to use the Cruciatus curse on them but Bev blocked it. She realized it was one of her past students and persuaded him, with the help of Mike, to join them and help protect hogwarts. He resisted their pleas and, after trying to curse them again, was stunned and brought down to Madam Pomfry.

Richie: Professor K was attempting to help rebuild the protection spell around Hogwarts to keep any other death eaters from entering. While he was focused on the spell he was hit was the Cruciatus curse by a death eater named Henry Bowers. He fell to the ground in pain while Bowers stood over him with an evil grin. Suddenly a spell struck Bowers and he flew away from Richie, his wand flying from his hand and off the bridge to Hogwarts. Professor Ben Hanscom ran over to help Richie up as Bowers scrambled away.

Eddie: Professor Kaspbrak was helping defend the castle doors, flying spells at anyone who got near. He didn't see, however, a beaten up Henry Bowers come up from behind him and stab him in he cheek with a shard of glass from a broken window. Eddie whipped around, an intense pain in his cheek. Henry smiled cruelly at him before attempting to grab Eddie's wand from his hand. Bowers knocked Eddie to the ground and struggled with for the wand before he was shoved off of him by Professor K. Eddie grabbed at hold of his wand and fell back onto the dirt while Bowers attempted to get back up. Richie cast a spell, sending Bowers flying back and off the Hogwarts bridge, to his death. Eddie passed out as Richie and Professor Ben Hanscom carried him to the makeshift hospital.

Ben: Professor Ben Hanscom and Professor K carried the passed out Professor Kaspbrak to the healers. Richie was carrying Eddie while Ben defended them from attackers. They struggled though the crowds of students and teachers trying to be helped by Madam Pomfry and other healers. They placed Eddie on a bed to be tended to, Richie stayed with him while Ben ran up to the Ravenclaw common room to help his wife and friend defend it.

Stanley: Vic Criss flew away with Professor Uris, one hand on the broom while the other on Stan's neck. Stan struggle to get away from him or do anything, but his wand had slipped from his hands when he was pulled out the window. Vic tossed Stan to the ground at they reached the Hogwarts bridge. He jumped off the broom and lunged at Stan, pressing his wand against his neck. He smiled at Stan, opening his mouth to udder the killing curse before he was blasted backwards by a spell. The spell sent Stan flying off the bridge, plummeting down words. He had already given up hope when a pair of arms grabbed him tightly around the waist and hoisted him up on a broom. Professor Denbrough held onto him tightly as he flew the broom back from out of the ravine up to Hogwarts.

(Sorry this was so poorly written it's 1am right now :))))))

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