Phases by PrettyMuch- Min Yoongi

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"Are you serious right now? Yoongi we just got back from the hospital. THE HOSPITAL."

"Come on baby, it wasn't that serious."


"Fuck you yelling for y/n, go sit down somewhere."

"No Yoongi I'm tired of watching you endanger your life!" At this point I had hot tears rushing down my face. "You have to stop. I can't let you do this to yourself anymore." The desperation seeped our of my voice. I needed him to hear me, to understand the pain he's been putting me through, but he wasn't even looking at me.

I went up to him and grabbed his face, trying to make him look at me but he kept avoiding my eyes. "Baby. Baby look at me." He still refused. "Suga please." He finally looked up and I noticed that he had tears in his eyes. Hope. His tears gave me hope that he still loved me more than the bottle in his hand. That was enough for me to stop crying and pull myself together.

"This is it Yoongi. It's me or that bottle. Take another sip of alcohol and I'll leave you." He looked down to think about this serious situation. He hadn't spoken a word this whole time but his silence was more defining than ever.

And then he chugged the whole bottle.

My jaw dropped ever so slightly. I closed my mouth as the air grew thick with tension. We stared at each other waiting for someone to do something, and he finally spoke.

"Please don't leave me."

"I have to."

I quickly walk back to our room, over to our shared dresser and begin to pack my things. I was in such a rush to get it over with that I didn't notice that Yoongi had followed me into the room.

"You're really just going to end it after everything?"

"No you did this Yoongi. I gave you a choice and you chose the option without me." I made my way to the bathroom to get my stuff out of there, and he didn't follow me this time.

After I finished packing all my stuff, I exited the room and headed for the door.

"Stop."I ignore his plea and continue on to the door. But he calls out to me again.

"Y/n, I said stop!" This time he spins me around and into his arms, leaning his head on my shoulder. "Please stop." His voice was soft but laced with urgency. I feel small droplets hit my shoulder and I realize he's crying. His body shakes as he clings to me for dear life. "I need you, Y/n. You are the only good thing in my life and I need you. I love you. Jagiya please don't go."

As I look at the man I love I think about all the good times and the bad times, and I start to cry again but this time I smile through the tears not because I'm happy to leave him but because I know that he'll always have a place in my heart.

Still smiling and the tears still rolling down my face, I pick his head up off my shoulder and move it so he's looking at me. He's practically sobbing now. I place a small kiss full of emotion on his quivering lips, wet with his own tears. When I taste the alcohol lingering on his lips, my tears roll faster. When we broke away after a few seconds I still had the same sorrowful smile on my face as I said my last few words to him.

"You need to get better Yoongi."

"Promise me that you won't find anyone else?" I knew I should say no, that I couldn't promise that but the hope in his eyes made it impossible to do so.

"I promise I'll wait through your phases Suga."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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