chapter 4 is she here

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"What does it mean then." Jesse asked

"It means, that she thinks adventure doesn't exist to us anymore that it's all she wanted to do with us and that. OH NO! we need to find her. ASAP. Before it's to late!"

"W...What do you mean to late wh..."


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 hours later


"Here we are." Jesse said staring at the spot they were just at that morning. they never packed up the tent. it was still there the whole time. "Ok," Jesse continued, " if I were Petra, which way would i go? Im asking you Lukas."
"Um... well, she uses the right side all the time and when i told her that hoanted mantion riddle, she kept going right..."
"So? Left or right!?"
"You asked me and im telling you. Left." So they all went left.
They went on for miles. And the sun was going down when Lukas kept insisting Petra was this way and Jesse said "Lukas come on. She obviously isn't this way."
"Well then maybe..."
"NO!What ever you ment by to late, the time has probably come. But just to be sure, I'm going right. Anyone with me?" Everyone just stared at her, "Well then I'm going my...self..." Jesse paused when she heard something in the distance. "Did you guys hear that?"
     "Hear what?" Olivia asked. Then all 4 of them heard something very quiet, they very faintly heard someone scream, "Jesse!"
"WE HAVE TO GO RIGHT NOW!" Lucas screamed. They continued sprinting in the same direction and heard her calling out to them. And they responded calling Petra. Then they found her tied to a really thick tree and trying to escape. Then some man came out from behind the tree held up a knife to Petra's throat and said "Not another step." They all stopped and more men came and held them down "Or she dies."
"NO!" Lucas screamed
*gasp*"Josh. Your bluffing. You wouldn't hurt anyone." Jesse said
"Ha. You wanna test that theory?"
Then they all fought their way out and took out thier weapons, (Olivia and Lukas: bow n' arrow, Jesse: sword, Axle: fists) and they charged at him. Suddenly, he took out this whitish brownish powder and threw it at Petra, untied her and she fell to the ground. She couldn't move anything. She was paralyzed. The last thing she saw was everyone fighting that man.

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