Chapter 7: Out Of Frying Pan And Into The Fire

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"Tartarus." Percy said in a hushed whisper. 

My knees trembled as I dared to look up at the monstrous figure of Tartarus, one of the Protogenoi. He had purple flesh with several layers of muscle. His fingers were razor sharp black talons. His face was a whirlpool of darkness with his voice being drawn in from his mouth. His armor wasn't any better. His breastplate had the faces of cyclops, dragons, and many other monsters that looked as though they were trying to escape.

"Be honored, little demigods. Even the Olympians were never worthy of my personal attention. But you will be destroyed by Tartarus himself!"

The Doors of Death and the entire valley lurched. Out of nowhere, a plethora of monsters rushed out with their weapons raised as they let out war cries. This is where we die and fail our mission. This is where our lives end.

I opened my eyes as I shot up from the ground. I looked around me to see Percy snoring on my right side and Neil on my left side, snuggling Storm. Hithaerdes was also fast asleep along with the rest of the dwarves. Just when I think I'm done with demigod quests, I'm thrown right back in.

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard Bofur's voice from behind me.

I whipped around to see Bilbo walking towards the entrance of the cave with his bag on his back and his walking stick by his side. Bofur stood a few feet from him. My heart dropped. He was going to leave the company. No doubt Thorin's words had a lot of impact on his decision.

"Back to Rivendell." Bilbo explained.

Bofur shook his head. "No, no, no. You can't turn back, now. You're part of the company. You're one of us."

"I'm not though, am I? Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins, I don't know what I was thinking. I should've never run out the door." Bilbo confessed.

"You're homesick, I understand." Bofur said, trying to comfort him.

"No, you don't! You don't understand, none of you do, you're dwarves! You're used to, to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere!" Bilbo snapped, shocking me. However, he must've realized what he's just said as he quickly added. "I'm sorry. I didn't..."

"No, you're right. We don't belong anywhere." Bofur replied, cutting him off.

I then made my way towards them. And they were both shocked to see me awake. They must've thought no one else was awake.

"Bilbo, don't go. I understand how you feel." I mentioned.

Bilbo furrowed his brows. "You do?"

I nodded. "Ever since my brothers, Percy, Neil, and I arrived, we've felt so out of place."

I know Gandalf wouldn't want me to reveal this, but I felt like I could trust Bilbo and Bofur. They've become friends of mine along with the others in the company...although I wasn't so sure about Dwalin or Thorin.

"You see, the truth is that Neil, Percy, and I aren't from Middle-Earth. We're from a different world called Earth. There that world is mostly filled with humans and I've never fit in with them. I was an outsider like my brothers." I confessed.

Bofur's eyes widened. "You three aren't humans?"

"No...we're aren't humans. We're something else, but the point is you don't know what you're capable of, Bilbo. I always thought I was a nobody and one day I had to fight monsters, giants, a dragon, the Protogenoi, and much more." I said, in an attempt to encourage him.

"I'm sorry Malia. I wish I could be as strong and brave as you, but I'm just a hobbit. We aren't meant to go on adventures like this." Bilbo mentioned.

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