Chapter 8: poisons cure

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Dawn's POV

I sat in a chair with my face buried in my hands. I was worried sick. after I managed to get them to Goldenrod ,I rushed to the hospital. I've been sitting here for hours. it was the middle of the night ,but no matter how many times the doctors told me to go get some rest ,I wouldn't leave.

I hoped they were ok. suddenly I heard the door of the emergency room open. I lifted my face out of my hands and looked up to see the doctor. I immediately jumped out of my chair and ran over to him.

I asked "are they all right? whats wrong with them? what's going on? why couldn't they breath? how long till they're out?"

The doctor said "we're struggling ,they've been poisoned"

I gasped ,"poisoned?"

I continued "what do you mean ,poisoned?"

I yelled "who would poison them?!?!"

He said "easy ma'am ,we've never seen this kind of poison before ,its very deadly"

He continued "they are now breathing ,but barely ,they could stop at any second ,that's why we advise you to go get some rest ,we can handle this"

I shook my head "no ,I'm not leaving"

He sighed "alright"

He left the room and I sat back down. suddenly I smelled some blood coming from the emergency room. now I was extremely worried.

I couldn't hold back the tears ,I let them fall down my cheeks ,I grabbed a pillow and buried my face in it.

My ears were flattened down under my hat and my tail was stiff. who could poison them? and when? suddenly it came to me.

Last night!!! at the restaurant!!! I knew that waiter looked familiar ,he was one of the team rocket grunts! I gritted my teeth in anger and it seemed like my eyes glowed in fury.

I sighed and buried my face In the pillow again. I began to weep into the small pillow and soon enough ,fell asleep in tears.


I twitched my ears as I lifted my head from my pillow ,stretching and yawning from my short nap.

It's been about two days now and there's still been no change. I felt tears fill my eyes as I remembered where I was. I gritted my teeth and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. suddenly I heard panicked voices saying something I couldn't quite pick up.

I strained my ears towards the sound and heard "we're losing him!"

My eyes immediately widened. it couldn't be ,could it? the worry consumed my soul as I sat there ,unable to help. soon enough ,I couldn't help it and ran into the emergency room. I followed the sounds and barged into the room ,my assumptions coming into reality.

I looked at the red head ,his skin was deathly pale and he wasn't breathing. I wish I could somehow heal him ,but I already tried. tears streamed down my face as everyone tried to get his heart to start beating again. I ran next to his bed and grabbed his hand.

I asked "silver?!?" as my voice cracked from the tears pouring from my eyes.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and exclaimed "silver!!! please ,don't leave me like this ,c'mon ,you can do it!!"

No response. I sniffed and let tears roll down freely. I pursed my lips and closed my eyes.

I whispered "please"

I buried my face in my arms on the bed. I shrugged my shoulders as I began to weep.

Suddenly I heard a voice ask curiously "dawn?"


Silver's POV

I opened my eyes ,there was a great pain in my chest and everywhere was aching. I looked at my surroundings and realized I was in a hospital room. I looked to my left and saw a certain white haired girl weeping at my bed side. She had my hand in her hand as she cried helplessly.

I asked "dawn?"

She looked up slowly and gasped as she saw me. a smile emerged on her face and her tears stopped pouring.

She exclaimed "your alive!!"

I raised a brow and asked "why wouldn't I be?"

Suddenly the nurse said "ma'am ,I'm afraid you have to leave"

She said simply "no"

The nurse grabbed her arm and said "you have to go ma'am ,rules"

She shook her head in refusal. suddenly a doctor came and grabbed her other arm. they made her stand up and she struggled.

She said "no ,I'm not leaving!!!"

The doctor dragged her out the door and I just looked at the sight confused. what the hell is going on?

I sat up and I cringed in pain. I asked "what happened"

A nurse with beautiful blue eyes and brown hair explained "after your friend brought you two here ,we've put you under serious medical attention and tooken care of you ever since"

"How long have I been unconscious?"

She answered "3 days"

I got a bulging headache and clutched my head.

I asked "what about gold?"

"Oh your black haired friend? he's doing surprisingly well ,then again ,it seems you have obtained more poison then him"


"Oh ,soon after you two came we discovered you have been poisoned ,we've never seen anything like it before ,extremely deadly as you can see"

I just sat there absorbing everything she just said. I got an even worse headache from thinking too much.

I asked "when can I get out?"

"Maybe in a week or so ,safety measures ,ya know?"

"Can my friends at least visit me?"

She shook her head "we don't want to risk spreading it if its spreadable"

I just let it all sink in. The pain started to kick in again and I laid back down ,cringing.

Then I thought about what dawn said ,your alive? What does that mean? I was extremely tired so the nurse instructed me to go to sleep. she left the room and turned off the lights ,leaving me in the dark. I closed my eyes and fell asleep


Woohoo!! Well there's chapter 8!!! sorry I don't really update often ,but now I'm gonna try to upload a chapter every weekend ,most likely Saturdays though :3.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my best friend whitefox12 ,you guys should really read her books ,there awesome and always make me laugh my Ass off XD again ,I'm sorry for lack of updates ,but I'm working on it.

Vote ,comment ,read ,and enjoy:3

And when life gives you lemons ,kill a dinosaur :D


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