Chapter 11: trials of strength

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Dawn's POV

The smell of blood and rotting corpses woke me up as I felt a small trickle of blood run down my arm. I fluttered my eyes open as my head erupted with pain. I clutched my head only to hear the noise of chains as they rattled. I looked down at my wrists and saw steel cuffs fastened onto my wrists so tight that it was starting to draw blood.

I was extremely sore and I felt like I had no energy or that I couldn't move. I looked down at my clothing to see a black pair of pants and a black long sleeved shirt, my ears and tail clearly visible. I felt my hair on my shoulder blades and was surprised at its current length. it has grown at least two inches in length.

I kept trying to think of how my hair could have possibly grown this long when the image of the glistening silver liquid that was injected into my arm flashed into my mind. Maybe the serum made it grow?

I just left it at that and figured I had more important things on my mind at this moment. I looked at my surroundings and tried to ignore the blood stained concrete floors, creating the rank smell filling my nostrils.

I was in a dark musty cell with short chains engraved into the concrete walls, so I pretty much couldn't even move from where I was sitting. the cell bars were definitely pure steel, and about two inches apart. the floor, walls, and ceiling were all concrete. I looked around and I was surprised to see a certain redhead on the other side of the cell, he was unconscious but I was relieved when I saw the rise and fall of his chest.

He looked different while he slept, no worries, no coldness in his facial expression... he was just... calm. I thought about where Gold was and if he was looking for us at this moment. Was he going to rescue us? is he going to get caught trying? is he never even gonna find us?

Thoughts flowed through my mind, which just made my headache increase. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard silver stir. I flicked my ears and glanced in his direction as my concentration dispersed like it was never there.

I couldn't help but bite my lip, looking at all of his scrapes and bruises, knowing I couldn't help him, I had no energy and I was so sore I couldn't even move. I hung my head low and looked at the blood stained concrete, debating if I would be the next victim. We were screwed.


I lifted my head at the redheads voice, meeting the eyes of the silver eyed boy. His eyes seemed to glisten in fright for a split second, but he soon relaxed at the sight of me.

I exclaimed "silver, I'm so relieved that your ok!"

His eyes didn't meet mine, for they were trained on my ears as a look of confusion crossed his face.

I put my hands up and said exasperatedly "I can explain!!!"

Silver said in a drifted voice "how do you explain that you have ears?"

I exclaimed "I, uh... I actually don't know..."

Silver asked meeting my eyes "why didn't you tell us?"

I bit my lip then looked down at the floor, muttering "I was scared..."

Silver asked "scared? of what?"

" I was scared you guys wouldn't want to be my friends anymore if I told you, I mean... you guys would think I was a freak, a monster..." I trailed off, tears forming in my eyes.

Silver was silent for a moment. I bit my lip and didn't take my eyes off off the floor.

Silver suddenly spoke "you're not a freak, your dawn, our friend"

I looked up from the floor with Teary eyes and smiled.

I wiped away my tears and sniffled "thanks Silv"

Being different {a Pokemon story} UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now