Group Chat

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Okay, if your reading this there's a high chance you've read one of these before. Also, go to my Conversations, and answer my latest question! Your idea could be featured in my next one-shot! Anyways, I don't really know what to say, so uhh.. I hope you enjoy! I gotta go, baiii~ 

Peter Parker started a group chat

Peter Parker joined the chat

Sam Alexander joined the chat

Ava Ayala joined the chat

Danny Rand joined the chat

Luke Cage joined the chat


Ava Ayala: Wow. Just wow.

Peter Parker changed name to SpiderDude

SpiderDude changed Sam Alexander to UglyBucketGuy

UglyBucketGuy: Hey! CHANGE ME BACKK

SpiderDude: NEVA

Luke Cage: XD

SpiderDude changed Luke Cage to JoeMama

JoeMama: cri

SpiderDude: Hey AVAAAAA

Ava Ayala: Oh no

SpiderDude changed Ava Ayala to KittyLitter

SpiderDude changed Danny Rand to FortuneCookie

FortuneCookie: I don't have a problem with this.

KittyLitter: I hate you Parker

SpiderDude: ur welcome Ms. Litter

JoeMama: XD

FortuneCookie: Where's Sam?

UglyBucketGuy: Dying

FortuneCookie: Oh, okay

KittyLitter: Why are we here

SpiderDude: Uh welll

JoeMama: Spit it out

SpiderDude: I'm kinda fighting juggernaut rn


UglyBucketGuy: How r u texting

JoeMama: On my way Spidey

SpiderDude: Gtg juggy is angry

SpiderDude has left the chat

JoeMama has left the chat

KittyLitter has left the chat

FortuneCookie: I shall take my leave

UglyBucketGuy: WHateverrrrr

FortuneCookie has left the chat

UglyBucketGuy: Whateverrr im coming

UglyBucketGuy has left the chat

I'm just going to keep adding stuff till I get bored lol

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