Chapter 2

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I. hate. flying.
Here we are again. Going through security and like always they stop my mother, not even my thug looking dad, and do a complete pat down. Sometimes I think they do it to my mom because she's super attractive to them. Only God knows why this happens to us at every single airport.

But there is something even worse than security, and that is flying itself. Sitting there for 10 plus hours nonstop, wedged between two random strangers (my mom is a total cheapskate, and buys us all tickets in random parts of the plane to save money) and worst of all, is knowing that when you get off the plane you still are stuck with your parents!

Today, I tell myself, will be better. It will always be better, I tell myself every single day. But does it get better? No.

We board the plane and I find my seat in the way back of the plane, and to my great luck, it's right next to the damn toilets. All I think is why my parents do this on purpose to me. It's almost like they want to see me suffer. My parents seats are located about mid plane. "Not too good for them, now is it?" I tell my self, trying to make me feel better. But things get worse. I see a very well groomed man walk out of the first class section of plane right over to where my mom is sitting. "Oh great, another man here to hit on my mom." I think. And yet I'm right. This man walks right over to my and says some words to make her giggle, then she gets up with all her belongings, and gestures to my dad to follow her. Then he gets up with all his stuff and moves to the first along with my mom and the super well groomed man. They make their way to the first class section. This rich guy just gave my parents first class seats! And they do it all without me! Great. Just great. I don't even exist in their minds.

(Flight Ends)

Finally. After many hours we get off the plane. Freedom. I look around to find my parents but they're nowhere to be seen. "Oh great, my mom went to go hook up with that rich guy" are the only thoughts that I'm able to process.

I wait for 2 hours. Those 2 hours soon turn into 22. "Damn they've done it this time" I mumble under by breath. By now the sun is at its prime meridian, which is noon. And I'm starving. I go on a quest to find a good sandwich place in the airport, but I get lost. I ask for directions from one of the airport ladies and she points me the way. I thank her, and set off in the direction where she pointed me to. I round one corner of the airport so fast I run into someone.

"What the- Who the hell ran into me!"

My mother. I found her finally, but she doesn't seem to recognize me at all.

"Mom, it's me" I say

"Oh Jane, it's only you. God you got to have stop doing that"

But soon I'm not even listening to her rant on about me, and only one question comes to my mind.

"Mom where's dad?"

Nothing. Silence. My mother, Lana Punt, has lost her husband.

"Mom?! Answer me, where is dad?"

Again I repeat the same words. And she soon finds the strength to let the truth spill, or at least what she believes to be the truth.

"Your father has chosen to take the next flight back to San Francisco" she says in a such a way that proves she is not afraid of me.

"And why is that" I say very sternly

"Because I kinda hooked up with that rich guy in lavatory on the plane"

"You did what?!"

"You heard me"

My mind is racing. This isn't real. She crossed the line, I mean we all knew it was coming but she just had to do it when we were traveling.

"You whore"

I spoke them. I spoke the words that I so very knew were true and so did she. My mom had to of known that one day I would call her this. And she did. She was prepared, if anything. But she didn't speak back. She just gave slight nod, hugged me and left. She just walked away or she wanted to.

I couldn't just left her walk away and leave me alone, at least not with this discussion settled.

"Where are you going?" I asked, almost sounding like my own mother.

"I'm leaving"

"For what?"

"I'm starting over"

"Without me?"

"That's kinda what starting over is, you forget your past mistakes, leave them away, and move on"

"But I'm you daughter you can't leave me alone. And I'm nothing but a mistake!"

She didn't speak after that. All she did was kiss me on the forehead, just in time for that rich guy to walk by and sweep her off her feet and carry her away from me. Leaving me alone. Leaving me in anger. Leaving me with the thought that good looks really do get you far. But also she left, leaving me with a brand new life of my own.

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