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Usually, they imply color. However, sometimes they may include size or coat texture. When possible, the descriptions match European items (but if that's impossible, I try to use the best-known kind), so I may not have every possibility listed. Most of these names are subjective to location.

If there's a word that doesn't sound like it should be a word, chances are it's a bird or plant!


Acorn– golden brown

Adder– brown tabby, possibly spotted tabby

Albatross– dark gray or black, either with white

Alder– brown tabby, speckled gray, or golden

Amber– ginger or golden

Anhinga– black
Ant– black; possibly small
Apple– ginger

Argent– silver

Ash– pale gray, possibly flecked; or a gray tabby

Ashen– pale gray
Aspen– gray, probably a tabby

Auk– black-and-white

Avocet– black or tortoiseshell, with white


Badger– black-and-white, or a black-and-gray tabby with white markings

Bat– dark brown

Bear– depending on territory, a black, brown, or white cat

Beaver– brown

Bee– golden tabby
Beech– brown to gray (maybe speckled), or golden
Beetle– black or brown (possibly mottled); probably small

Birch– black-and-white, more white than black; alternately, black silver tabby

Black– black

Blaze– ginger

Blizzard– white, or very pale flecked silver or gray

Blue– gray, tabby or otherwise

Boulder– depending on the rocks in the territory, probably a large dappled gray or brown cat

Bourn– blue-gray to brown cat, probably a tabby

Bracken– golden tabby
Bramble– brown tabby

Briar– brown tabby
Bright– mostly white with patches of a lighter color
Brindle– tabby, any color

Brook– light brown, possibly a tabby

Broom– golden (in reference to the plant Scotch Broom)

Brown– brown
Buzzard– brown, possibly tabby and/or with white

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Cataract– gray-and-white
Cedar– dark brown or reddish-brown tabby
Cherry– tortoiseshell, dark ginger, or white; alternately, gray tabby or dappled

Chestnut– brown

Chough– black
Cinder– gray, possibly patterned

Cloud– white or pale gray
Clover– white

Condor– black, possibly with a small amount of white and/or ginger

Coot– black, possibly with a tiny amount of white
Copper– ginger

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