The Actual First Night

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Forgot to include this in the last chapter: " = spoken,"' = thought
Just want to say before this story gets taken down or something I just want to say that all the pictures and the game belong to their rightful owners.

You wake up with the now warm ice pack that you fell asleep with because that damn puppet knocked you out causing you to hit the ground.

(You)"'damn that thing"'

you say in your head as you start to get dressed and try to make yourself ready for the day...

(You)"Well more like night"

you say as you start trying to not burn your toast in the crappy toaster you "borrowed" from your parents house. You are trying not to fall asleep and you see the time and almost fall over
(you)"how is it already 11:30?!"

(you)"oh jeez I can't be late on the first day, Er night, Er whatever!"

You say as you snatch the half buttered toast and sprint out the door, almost forgetting your knife in the process.


After almost crashing through the glass of the front door, you get in and lock the door quickly and then continue running towards the office and make it inside just when the indoor clock hits 12 you sit down and you take in your surroundings:
You see a door on your left and right with two big windows and button panels that have two buttons labeled with light and door. You also see above you a large, old vent that looks like it has been kicked in a few hundred times

(you)"man I wonder why that's in such poor condi-"

your words are interrupted by a loud phone ringing (too lazy to put in actual phone call so if you haven't seen any gameplay or other story where they put it in then please do check it out! It basically says that the animatronics are alive and will try to smother you with their tits and a**)

(you)"how do I keep getting in these situations?! I can't believe he never told me about this stupid place and these stupid robots!"

(You)"how could i be the ONE guy who Isnt super intrested to get this he'll of a situation? Some guys would Love this!"

you say while pinching the bridge of your nose and turning on the tablet that monitors the cams and you start to explore the place to refresh the layout of it in your head and you see that Bonnie was already gone and you can tell because 2 reasons: the first is that she isn't there, and the second is because there is a blue hand on the doorframe to your left

(Bonnie)"well hello there psycho, I see that you got the job"

she says quietly as she attempts to get in, but she almost loses an arm as the door slams down in her face

(You)"If you could leave immediately that would be great okay? Goodbye"

she smiles slightly

(Bonnie)"why should I? You don't like me here? You would enjoy me if you oeened the door"

you immediately straighten up and get angry

(you)"if you don't leave know then I will forcefully mangle your robotic body so you will be just a lump of fur and metal on the ground. So leave now capiche?"

you say angrily and she looks at you....seductively?

(Bonnie)"I would love to see you try that hon."

she says as she pushes her body against the glass as you grab your knife and begin to shake angrily

(you)"if you don't leave now I will carry out what I previously said alright you slut?"

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