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Solve  -- (Latin) Solvere --
To Dissolve


The chatter never ceased.
People walked through the halls; books in their hands, bags on their shoulders. It was just life. The same old routine: wake up, school, afternoon activities, dinner, bed. And in between those times, talk about others. Other people's lives that hold more interest than that of your own. That's how life was after Gunn died.

We adapted--but to some of us, it was getting used to the anxiety.

The first day back was a mess. Assemblies were held, suicide posters were hung on the walls, about two fights had occured. Our school, once boring, was now lingering with a sense that something was wrong. That something was gone. Well, not something. But someone.

Even Lilah Farewell -- the biggest gossip girl in town -- couldn't believe that Gunn perished. None of the cops' evidence seemed to make sense to her. It was as though Li had composed this oasis in her mind that made her think that he was still alive. In fact, she was so hellbent on it that she even went to his graveyard -- Mallory Creek River. Yet, Lilah's intensity was the only thing that seemed normal. Up until she went silent.

A week. No posts, no paper, nothing. Not a single peep came from Lilah Alairé Emerson-Farewell. At first, everyone assumed that she was the cause of Gunner Samson's death. Always hated him, that girl did. Yet, they quickly realized that she was having an epiphany -- that Gunner Samson was truly dead.

Now, everyone was on edge. The reality of murder quickly opened our eyes as the police did their very best to figure out who the killer was. However, it was taking too long and people were beginning to feel frustrated.

"The streets aren't safe!"

"What about our children? Our very own lives?"

Shouts like these echoed through the old Town Hall at vespers. Headlines began to scream of Gunner's death. Small town + death + killer = good story, according to the media. Especially, when it comes to Mallory Creek. A town that seems remotely peaceful (because you just get used to all of the violence as you proceed to live in the town).

Deaths were common, but suicide turned murder story was apparently not.

However, this was Gunner Samson. Gunn was our joy and pride. He had made our incredibly small school famous by winning the basketball championship. We were a small town of, at least, 2000 and he had the talent. He was plastered on our walls, classrooms, and even lockers (that was mostly Amanda Moore's doing). Gunner Samson was everything to Mallory Creek High and seeing him there was like second nature. But that one winter changed everything.

The edginess filled every nook and cranny of the town. Every alleyway and street, house and trailer. You could just take an inch outside, and you'd feel the weight of the fear. It is this reason on why everyone is now reserved.

When the killer solved Gunn's problem to life, we didn't know how much our hearts would enervate. We didn't know that they would turn into stone. And then he came, and that's when the revolution commenced.

When Gunner Samson LeavesWhere stories live. Discover now