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Lili flew as quickly as she possibly could back to New York, as she flew. She kept glancing down, every once in a while, to check on his condition, which wasn't getting any better. He just went paler, and paler. Darker, and had less response in his eyes, and looked dull. Lili kept glancing at him, " You'll be okay, Scottie. We will get you to the Blue Meanie, she'll be able to fix everything." Scott let out a half-laugh, with a cracked speaking voice. " You... you... mean Ne...bula? " Lili shook her head, " Nah, Blue Meanie sounds way better.- "

As Lili and Scott were making their way back, Steve Rogers looked at the team he had assembled, consisting of Wanda Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, Thor, Peter Parker, Vision (with the Mind Stone), Clint Barton, James Rhodes, Sam Wilson, Carol Danvers, Bruce Banner and those among others. Steve looked over at Wanda, who was playing cards with Vision. " I wonder what's taking Lili and Scott so long. - " Steve sounded worried, as he looked out into the New York Skyline. " I hope, they are okay. They are fundamental parts of our team. " 

Bucky looked over and smiled. " Come on, mate. It's Lili Lang, she will be fine, Steve. - I know you swore to protect her, but... she's a grown woman now, she can do it, she'll be just fine on her own, I should know. Heck, we were born on the same day, same month, she has that spirit about her, that runs deep in the Stark brain... She's purely a genius and she can figure her way back home, I'm sure... Scott included. Drink with me, Capt. Have faith... have faith...- " Steve breathed in, and looked over at Bucky. " Your right, she's a Stark. Genius child. - " 

Clint looked over at Steve, " A pure genius child, you say? Well... she is the CEO of the biggest technology firm in the world. " Steve nodded, " That is true, behind that suit of armour, unlike Tony... there was something, if you took Lili's suit off, you'd have a genius businesswoman, who is a master at martial arts, and the EMP communication device. " Clint nodded, " Ahuh. That's Lili, right there.- If anything, that's what she is. Just... the suit helps sell her point.- " Clint smiled and laughed. " I love that child, she gives me hope. She's the only Avenger child, we have left after the umm... "  Sam clicked his fingers, " The snap? " Clint nodded, " Yeah, that thing- " 

" Hate to break up the set, but... we have an emergency. " A familiar voice said, in an almost hurried voice. Steve turned around, " Well, I'll be dammed. Lili..- What... Scott?- What happened?! " Lili shook her head, " It's a long story, Steve, is the Blue Meanie around? - "  Steve facepalmed deeply. " Nebula is, and... he'll need more than just Nebula. "  Steve swang into action along with Bucky, they both grabbed Scott's weak hands, that were withering. Clint grabbed Lili's hand, as she popped her mask off, and it folded back into its disk. 

Clint grabbed Lili's hand and took it off Scott's. Clint came across, and looked Lili in the eyes, " He will be okay. " Lili had no idea, what to do or think. Her best friend, a partner in crime, closest friend, love of her life and husband, was in trouble, all she wanted to do was help him, but as she saw him wobbling away, she grabbed onto Clint's shoulders, and hugged him. " Your right... Your right... " Lili said, softly. 

Lili walked over to the couch and sat next to Wanda, and Carol. She just hung her head in her lap and cried. Wanda looked at Carol, and back at Lili.  She just looked down, with a slight weep. " Scott...is the best part of me, he just... is my everything... we were fine, and then...he just collapsed. " Carol looked at Lili, with a blank stare. " He collapsed? " Lili nodded, " He turned around and said Lili, I don't feel so good and fell. " She added softly. Wanda looked up, and threw hwe hands over Lili, "Scott will be fine, he's one of the strongest people I know. "

Lili kept looking around, to see the unity around her. From people like Vision to The Guardians and Thor. Lili sighed deeply and got up, " I cannot dwell in this, we have a war to win...- Clint, Wanda, anyone, do we know what we are dealing with? Do we have a visual? " Bruce Banner, who had stayed quiet this whole time, finally jumped up and spoke. " We have Thanos... we know what he looks like. "

Sam Wilson also spoke up, " How do we stop this? We don't have back to the future, to help us OR any Pym particles, from Hope. " Lili thought carefully, it was true. Scott and the Reality Stone was their key, to stopping Thanos once again but not this time around, and they had no pym particles from Hope, because Hope was still in the quantum realm, and it would be too time-consuming for just one person, to go looking. If Scott was healthy, it might work, but wouldn't anyway. 

" It would be too time-consuming to go jumping from time frame to time frame, without any Pym particles, to find our way back. "Sam nodded in agreement. " That's true, so... what do we do? "  Lili, who usually was good at thinking up solutions, couldn't think of one. Another time heist would be the solution, but they had no Pym Particles.  She thought, for longer and longer, hoping something from Tony's intelligence would hit her in the face, however. Every solution to the problem had one common demeanour, Tony had already done it.

"We cannot do Back to the future, but...if I'm right, and I'm praying to god I am... I may have some Pym particles in my suit, enough for two people, from last time... I just hope I'm right. " Lili looked at her two metal bracelets, that glowed yellow. She clicked in the metal, that exposed a red aura, that was Pym particles. Just enough, for two people. The flask was full.  " Thank god, I have some- "

Sam stared at Lili and then, at the flask with the red liquid. " So, you are telling me, we are doing Back To The Future 2? " Lili nodded, " Yep... this could be the key, to Thanos. But, this is the last resort, I thought firstly we should attempt to locate Yellowjacket, and The Ghost. From, Scott's health... they have a few stones if they can manipulate his health. " Wanda arose from the couch and asked. " That's how powerful those stones, are? They can make Scott sick? " Lili nodded,

 " Yes, that is correct.- I need two teams. One to find Yellowjacket, and the other on The Ghost. - " 

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