Before You.. Introduction

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Saturday, 29th September - Just An Introduction

I know this is going to sound silly and quite odd but I'm writing this to tell you that I love you, even though I don't know who you are . . . yet. I just know that when I meet you I will love you more than anything in this world.

This is also like a journal or a diary in a way, where I can just pour all my feelings out; where I can tell you the little things that I'm going through or have went through.

I just finished watching the film 'Dear John' and that kind of inspired me to do this. (Also, I'm just letting you know that Channing Tatum is flipping hot to be in his 30s and Amanda Seyfied is absolutely gorgeous. If you don't think so, all I have to say is "Think what you want, and believe what you want to believe") It's quite cheesy, I know but I just felt like I had to write this.

Tonight, it's starting to get cold and I'm craving your hug, your warmth and your arms around me. I don't even know who you are or when/if I'm ever going to meet you but all I know is - I'm waiting. And know that waiting, is quite hard task to do, especially when you don't know exactly what it is you're waiting for.

Lucky for me, I actually know what I am waiting for. The only hard part in this is I have no idea how I'm going to find out that what I'm waiting for has arrived. I'm not oblivious about the world, but I don't pay attention to a lot of things.

To be quite honest, I don't know what to say but I do at the same time. I'm not really making sense now, am I? But, what I really mean is that it's hard for me to explain what this is in just a few simple sentences. So, I will continue writing...

Until I know and get, what it is I'm waiting for. I can't guarantee that I would be able to write you something every day but I will try my best... Try my best to let you know what I've been up to, and what I feel at that very moment.

That is what I can guarantee you . . . I can assure you that everything that I will tell you is what I really feel; that everything I'm going to talk to you about actually happens.

I wish that you'd be able to help me with some issues that have come up now, if only there's a way to make that happen.

Anyway, you're probably thinking that I'm just talking about everything that I'm feeling and you don't even know me. So, here's my little self introduction...

My name is Adrianne Rease and I'm 15. I'm a Filipina, my mum is too but my dad is from England. I have lived my whole life in the Philippines but I moved here in England when I was 12 and ever since then, I have changed so much. Well, I guess that is part of growing up, right? Being 15 years old means that I am now in my last GCSE year, so everything I do right now counts. I am not going to lie, it is a stressful year (or should I say half a year) but it is going quite quickly and I can only just wish for the best.

Even if I haven't met you yet I know that I'll be alright, as long as I have my best friends and close friends beside me. . .

Talking about friends. I actually have a girl best friend, a boy best friend and a group of friends. It's funny to think how last year, I don't even talk to these people that I am friends now. It just shows how quickly things can change. It's crazy!

Well, now I guess I should go on and tell you about my friends and how I feel about them... Or about my family and what I think of them... Or maybe I should talk about the things I love and don't like? Although, I think I'd let my little stories tell you the answer to those questions. I don't really want to just spell everything out for you; so, try and figure these little things out by yourself. (And now, I'm smiling cheekily)

And now . . . I think I'll go and listen to some Taylor Swift songs and wake up in Dreamland. I'll talk to you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Adrianne x



I know that this is a very short introduction but please trust me when I say that the chapters are not this short.

The characters' traits/ behaviour are based on real life people, although, the names have been changed for privacy reasons.

The story is based on real life; however some parts of it are fiction ...

This is my first ever story, and thank you for reading. I hope you liked it and carry on reading.

I also just want to say:

Thank you very much to @MissMarsMars and @Synysters_Wife for helping me set up. :)

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