Before You.. Chapter 1

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.. Open Evening and Awkward..

Tuesday, October 9

"The School's Open Evening is tonight at 7pm, so all of those who are helping out have to be back in school at . . ." my form tutor looked back down at her desk, where a notice letter was neatly laid out. She scrunched her face and in doing so her glasses moved up too. I've always found that funny but I never say this aloud - I just like to keep these little comments inside my head.

"At about half pass six." she finished.

I gave out a long sigh and sat properly down to my seat. Sitting on my right hand-side is my best friend Skyler I turned to face her and just by looking at each other we knew what each of us were going to say.

"I was asked to help on Production Arts by Miss Parker but I'm not going... I have lots of catching-up to do. Plus, I planned on seeing Jason tonight after he's gone home from work sooo.." she stopped, knowing that I've caught up with what she was implying - which I did.

I smiled, just the thought of her and Jason together. I can't stop awww'ing inside my head... They are just the cutest couple ever - and I am not just exaggerating.

One time, we went out to go catch a movie - me, Sky, Jason, Terrance and Rachel. We were at Tesco's looking for food to munch whilst at the cinema. All of us separated - Jason and Terrance were together, and then there was me and the girls. The cute thing was after about 3 minutes or so, Jason came back with sweets and junk food on his one hand . . . and the other hand searched for Sky's hands. It was seriously too adorable to not notice.

Anyway, let's go back to 'now'.

"Yea, I don't think I'll go either. I can just tell Mr. Dawson I have coursework to do, which I seriously do." I was rummaging through my bag looking for the permission slip, which stated that I couldn't go to tonight's open evening.

I couldn't find it, so I gave Sky a quick glance and then back to my bag.

"Oh! Shoot!" I whispered angrily to myself and dumped my bag on the floor.

"Hey, it doesn't matter... I haven't given mine either" I looked at her and I don't know how we do it but we always know what the other one is thinking.

A few minutes after . . .

Everyone stood up and walked out the door saying our "Bye" and "see ya, later Miss".

To be honest I was quite happy with the start of today, except for the fact I couldn't find my permission slip. I'm quite the "sensible" one, and I try to be a good student - unlike, some people that are in my year.

First and second period went by quickly and it was now break time. I was waiting outside Sky and Allisa's (Allisa is part of our inner friendship group) Production Arts class when I saw Mr. Dawson walking pass. He looked like he was trying to find someone as well.

"Mr. Dawson!"

I tried and not shout out his name that loud for two reasons; one, there were lots of other students around and I would look like a complete idiot shouting out a teachers' name. Two, I just don't shout out when I'm at school - it isn't part of my 'school atmosphere'. (Ok, so that second reason was a bit pathetic but y'know...)

"Yes... Adrianne?" he turned around and his radiant face was so patent that you'd think he doesn't get angry or pissed at all. Do not get sucked in though! He has a great personality; I just don't think he's cut out to be a teacher. There's only about 9 or 10 people in our Music class and he still can't control us - that says a lot really.

"Err, Sir, I don't think I can come and help out tonight." as I carried on explaining on why I can't come to open evening, my friends started piling in the already cluttered up hallway. Everyone I knew was listening to my excuse like its some type of gossip - people just can't help being nosey now, can they? I can't help but smile inwardly.

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