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Pls dont hate me

Ethans p.o.v
as soon as angel left the boys ran after the cars and started crying and screaming i run and hugged matias and grayson hugged saint joey got in the car and drove off to the house i hope i turned to everyone and said
"Lets go we got 4 hours" they looked at me like i was crazy i looked a grayson and smirked he smiled knowing whats happening i put saint and matias in my car and drove with estella and my babys i sighed knowing she though i was crazy she asked
" ok what is going on bubs " she rubbed my thigh and smiled warmly i said " nothing im just thinking about the babys and my sister and her broth- " " wait you and the three boys are the only brothers i thought " she said i said " nope our mother was abit of a hoe to say but we loved her and nino and angelica are cryos little brother and sister im scared babe wha what if she actually dies this time " tear fell out of my eyes i said this quite so the twins didnt here estella looked at me and hugged me i hugged back and looked at the boys and said "who whats ice cream" they smiled and said " YESSSS GRAY ICE CREAM"
We got to the ice cream place and got ice cream we got house and the boys fell asleep after they had ice cream i took them to there room and walked in to joeys office and he was asleep with a bottle of whiskey is his hand i sighed and shook my head and moved him on to his bed and put him down and covered him i saw grayson standing in the kitchen with a bat and a gun and he said " pick ya kill bro " i smiled and so did he i grabbed thw bat and said " shes at the villa on richman " i heard a giggle and turned around it was Sofia she said
" no shes not that is where the car is she is on McLeod street number 15 the house isnt protected and the gate is jumpable and you better hurry she just in a fight go now " she was pushing us out the door Grayson drove the car to the house we knew the people loved her and didnt like cyro but wanted his spot so we gotta move fast jumped the gate and ran un to the house cryo had stabbed angelica in the leg so i shot him the head i ran over and grabbed her i felt some one running behined me and i ran to the car and watched the gurls wave bye as i drove to the house i ran in and screamed " NOEN HELP SHE LOST BLOOD " i was crying knowing this was the second time

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