Catching You (Finding You 2)

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Will I ever get that kind of look aimed at someone? I think for who knows how many times that night. Watching as my best friend dance with the love of his life.

Love in his eyes.

Maybe I shouldn't have come here.

But I'm pretty sure the best man can't skip the wedding day. Unlike what I did in school.

But damned all if I knew it's going to hurt this bad.
I feel my beast whine inside, my heart feels like it's squeezing itself at the reminder of the love I've yet to find.

The love my parents have never had.

Shaking the thought of them out of my head, I down my wine glass, gulping all of it in one go.

I don't need this. I can just enjoy some TV shows back in my apartment. I'll ask Duncan if I can go home early, I decide in a sigh.
Looking up though, I find that he's still in the middle of the dance floor, swaying with his wife, Kirra.

"Dang..." I swear, looking around the hall when my eyes caught something. A woman stands in the middle of the hall, right on the edge of the dance floor. Her ocean blue dress is just below her knees, while the rest covers her upper body, the long sleeves adorned by flowers made of the same material as her dress and I silently curse at the designer for not giving me a peek.
But that's not what catches my attention.
It's her face.
I'm looking at her side and I can't see her clearly due to the hall lights, but I know the look she's wearing.
It's not a foreign look to me.
In fact, I was using it a few moments ago.
The look of the heart longing for love.

Despite the fact that my sight is still obscured, I feel my beast sit up and howl. My whole body buzzes and I can hear my pulse thrum.

Go to her.

Go to her.

Go to her.

Before I know it, I'm standing right beside her. And somehow she notices. Because she turns that beautiful face and I can finally make out the color of her eyes.

Amber colored eyes look back at me with curiosity and I feel as if I'm instantly burned. I feel like I could if I stare long enough.
Maybe she feels something too cause her eyes widen just a fraction.
Moving on an instinct, I present my right palm to her, "Wanna have a dance, princess?"
A small smile erupts and she answers, "And what gives you that impression, I wonder?"
I shrug natural-heartedly, "Beats me, I saw a beautiful woman alone and I just got to come say hi."
She rolls her eyes scoffing, "Charming."
"I try, princess," I grin, "The offer still stands, though."

"And what makes you so insistent? I might be a terrible dancer." The goddess in front of me asks, her small smile turns playful and her eyes full of mischief.

Once again I shrug, shoving my hands into my pocket to stop from reaching out and pulling her lush body to mine, "I'm willing to take the risk."

"How far of a risk?" She questions again, leaning slightly towards me, the small smile turning into a full on mischievous grin.

I retaliate, leaning towards her and making her look up in process. I clench my hands inside my pocket. Holding myself from reaching out and pulling that delectable neck on display in for a kiss, "Farther than you expected."

"Careful there," she teases as she takes a step closer, pressing her soft body to mine and whispers right beside my ear, "I might take you up on that offer."

I rarely do it, but right then and there, I freeze, my body demanding that I hold her there, her delicious curves to my chest.

I snap back to the present when I hear her call out, "You're coming, hotshot?"
I turn my head to see that she's already on the dance floor, body facing away from me while her head is doing the opposite, her eyes full of playfulness.
I smirk, "Hell yes."

"If I want to have a dance with you, might as well tell me your name, princess."


"Deera, is it? Mine's Drake."

This night might not be what I expected, but I'm not regretting any second of it.

Oh, and that look I talked about earlier? I think I'm wearing one right now.

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