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When I open my eyes, it's white all over. I don't know where I am. I don't know what happened.
I slowly bring myself to a sitting position, rubbing my head all the while, thinking that this is a dream or something.

"What happened to me?" I think out loud.

That's when I see movements in my peripheral vision. A man, looks like in his 30s, floats down and gracefully lands not far in front of me. His long rob fluttering around him as he lands there, his hands hidden in its long sleeves, held in front of his chest. He softly smiles at me and tilts his head, indicating that I should stand up. I do just that and he smiles again.

"Have you any memories?" He asks just as softly. His voice like the gentle breeze in the springs as the flowers bloom all around you.

I shake my head slowly. Still in trance from waking up in this strange but calming place. Still he smiles.
And ever so slowly, he lifts his right arm to his side and like a sliding door, the white nothingness opens to a house's corridor. The walls wooden with patterns that give off a homey feeling.

"Shall we?" I hear he says, a second before he steps into the strangely lit corridor, despite the lack of any lighting.

Compelled to follow, I stand up and start to walk towards the opening.


"Hey," I call out, walking all the while behind the robbed man, "Hey, where are we?"
It is then that he turned around, smile still intact, but with a curious expression etched on his face.

"What?" I ask. He picks up a framed photo from a shelf, "I'm merely curious of your question is all, Mr. £^#&m₹," I frown, his speech turning garbled for a second, reminding me that I don't even remember my own name, but the robbed man just smiles and continues, "Considering you build this house from the ground up—with the help of some people, of course."

"......! Where are you going to put this sofa?" I hear a voice say and look up from the boxes I'm organizing to see his grinning face, his hand on said sofa.

"Hm..." I hum, contemplating it, "Let's put it in the middle of the room, facing the TV." I then say.

"Roger that!" He answers, his iconic grin still intact. I'm so glad he's here. Not that I'll tell him that.

I blink my eyes to the sudden flash of memory and look around. I built this?

I catch a movement in the corner of my eyes and turn my head just in time to catch the framed photo the robbed man threw at me. There, in the picture, I stand grinning with the person in my memory right beside me and some other people around us. I trace my fingers on the glass, trying to reminisce the memories I have with them once again.

I feel a gust of wind and look up to the robbed man, another invisible door is open beside him showing a field of grass. "Come," he says, "There are still lots to remember."

And together, we step through the doorway.


The other side is a grassland. There are grasses wherever I see, trees growing far apart. The gust of wind I felt earlier still whooshing all around us, taking some some grasses along.

She runs in front of me. Laughing in her beautiful voice that made me fall in love with her in the first place.

Upon reaching the top of the hill, she turns around. Her dress fluttering around her as she smiles at me.

In that instant, I feel like I've fallen in love once again.

Blinking at the flash of memory, I look up at the top of the hill in front of me.

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