Idea Pool (3rd Edition)

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Ok let me explain, I'm getting my phone taken on the weekdays and that means I can't get on wattpad for 4 and a half days straight every week.

I'll be writing as much as I can when I can. On my school email I have a google doc just for oneshots that I can write in school, but I don't have much free time on the school computers. I'll try my best to writ though especially on the weekends.


Diamond in the rough- idk


Grian was invited to an abandoned house by his best friend Taurtis one late night. They spent the night searching the house, then Taurtis pulled a book out and handed it to Grian. Taurtis wanted to tell him something, but before he could say anything too important to Grian he was murdered. Grian got away and when he was safe he scanned through the book to find that it was Taurtis's journal. Taurtis had written about all these strange people with quirks and abilities that Grian had never heard before. Grian found a page explaining on where to find these people to stop the monster. (The book never really explained what the monster was.)

Biffa- the collector. He has a bunch of small dolls of all the hermits excluding Grian that can come to life. Also replicas of their heads after he hunted them down and such

Xisuma- the ring master. He makes sure they're all in line.

Tango- the fire breather. Can breathe fire it's pretty self explanatory.

Mumbo- the

Ren- the animal one. Can talk to animals

Iskall- the

Impulse- the

Wels- the

Doc- the

Scar- the

Cub- the

Joe- the

Cleo- the

Zed- the

Keralis- the

Bdubs- the

Jevin- the

Python- the

Stress- the

False- the

TFC- the wise one. Can tell small snippets of the future.


Hermit A and hermit B are invited to a party at hermit C and D's house, but they forget the time and date of this party so they go on this elaborate spy mission to break into Hermit A and B's house to find out when their party was. In the end they get caught by hermit A and B and have to spill the beans


Evil X gains the ability to use runes (probably my own special runes that have been called witchcraft before) and starts cursing the hermits, but it's not with death sentences, it's with mood changes, genderswaps, personality switches, souls start switching bodies, and tings like impulses to wear dresses XD
It's gonna be something funny


Evil X kidnaps many of the hermits and the other hermits are trying to get them back. With four hermits left they try to lure Evil X out. The hermits come up with a plan with hermit A as bait. Hermit A feels bad because they feel like they aren't helping at all.


Android time


Society = rich vs poor

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