Chapter One: One night in the theatre....

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According to the ancient Greek mythology all men's fate was governed by three women, the three Fates or Moires in Greek. They were the goddesses of fate who personified the inescapable destiny of man. They assigned to every person his or her fate or share in the scheme of things.

Klotho, whose name meant 'Spinner', spinned the thread of life. Lakhesis, whose name meant 'Apportioner of Lots'--being derived from a word meaning to receive by lot--, measured the thread of life. Atropos (or Aisa), whose name meant 'She who cannot be turned', cut the thread of life.

No human being could go against what was determined for them by the three Fates, and even if they tried consciously or not, the Fates would fall on them bestowing harsh punishments to them or bad luck as we call it today. Of course the human heart wouldn't give up so easily, impulses and emotions were difficult to control but the Fates would be unstoppable until the course of things would return to where it was stopped...


Chapter One: One night in the theatre....

Up high in the mount Olympus, in Northern Greece....inside a dark cave, three creatures that looked like time had forgotten them, were staring at the cave's wall...

- Come on already!!! Said one of them with a high pitched voice that resonated deep into the cave. 

She was painfully thin, her skin distorted by a thousand old wrinkles, her silvery hair were falling very long and limp down to her hips.

- Wait a second!!!! By God, Klotho you are getting on my nerves more and more the past few days!!! I told you, there was something wrong with the reception lately...I'm trying with my wand and I get nothing!!! And my old bones don't help me either... Lakhesis said, looking extremely irritated.

She moved painfully slow, putting a lot of effort into walking towards the smooth wall of the cave. Her every step accompanied by cracking and cricking sounds; she looked as if she'd collapse at any minute into a pile of bones. Her eyes were half closed; the hooded eyelids were falling heavy on them. Her old grey robes were sweeping the cold floor of the cave. She was gripping a knotted wooden wand; it looked more like a useless piece of mouldy stick. She turned and glared to her sister.

- What's happening with that fire, you set up to start two hours ago? I'm hungry and I'm freezing!! She shouted with anger to the third sister who was sitting in silence at the back of the cave, quietly trying to blow air into a small ball of kindling, a weak flame was burning in the middle. Aisa pulled her head up, and threw a vacant look to her sister.

- You come and do it, if you want!! She cried from the back. 

She blew once more into the ball of dry hay; thick dark smoke covered her face. She started coughing violently, cursing between her teeth.

Klotho left a frightening scream that shut both her sisters up, the second it reached their ears.

- DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE??? she shouted to both of them. 

WE ARE THE THREE FATES!!! She continued as she widened her eyes as much as she could; the heavy grey eyebrows falling on them. 

AND WHAT DO WE DO? She cried a third time to her two sisters that looked at her without saying a word.



people's fates...

Lakhesis whispered, sounding embarrassed and pulled her face up looking at her sister like a scorned schoolgirl.

- Will you please come here at last to enchant the rock with your wand then? Klotho said with a commanding tone in her voice.

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