Chapter Four: Nemesis, the goddess of retribution

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Slowly the young Lakhesis made her entrance back into the cave.

Her two sisters were waiting for her anxiously. Klotho was even worried that love struck Lakhesis would refuse to come back, following Terry back to New York. Lakhesis looked at them with dreamy eyes that sparkled. She didn't say a word to them. Aisa was feeling her temper rising. Not only her sister had the rejuvenation treatment, not only she had met with Terry, now she was keeping herself to herself.

What was wrong with her??

Lakhesis moved slowly as if walking on clouds, under the curious and a bit annoyed stare of her sisters. She sat down at her usual place looking straight at the mirror wall, Terry was still in deep sleep. Her eyes were dreaming while open as she left a sigh.


Her sigh meant that her mind hadn't left Terry's room yet.

"Well?" Klotho was the first to finally speak. Lakhesis didn't respond.

"Look at her!" Aisa said impatiently. "Now it's like we have a brainless and dreamy teenager!"

"Shhhhh! She is still like in trance!" Klotho said with compassion. "It wasn't a small thing for her to meet with the man she adores!" Klotho looked at her sister who was completely lost deep in her thoughts, and a wicked smile formed on her lips.

She yelled. "Ahhh! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE TERRY??!!!"

Lakhesis snapped out of her dreams immediately. She jumped from her chair.

"TERRY??!!!!" She managed to cry out loud while her sisters burst out laughing. Where??!!! What...the-"

Aisa was holding her belly.

"Good one sis!!!" She said loudly to her sister.

"That's great!" Lakhesis managed to say amidst their laughter. "Did you think long enough to cause me distress like that? I didn't enjoy that one bit Klotho! Shame on you!"

"I wouldn't have done it if you were down to earth and talked to us when I asked you..." Klotho raised her voice at the end of her sentence, still smiling widely to her sister. "HOW DID IT GO??"

"Oh!! I'm so sorry. I'm still trying to get back to reality, but I have to say that he was great!" Lakhesis said with a dreamy smile. She brought her hand to her forehead that burned still from the excitement.

"Never mind how he was, we know Terry, we watch over him every day." Klotho replied to her sister's comments, while Aisa kept silent, sulking; she clearly was jealous, Klotho was thinking.

"Well...I have to say that meeting Terry from up close was nothing like we see him on the Wall." Lakhesis insisted. "He is really sweet, and polite, and very intense with his words and his stare, my knees were trembling!! We really need to save him Klotho! He was completely broken...I couldn't stand to see him like that!"

"Did he get the message that he needs to return to New York back to Susanna?"

"Yes, I'm sure he did, it seemed that was the last thing in his mind before he drifted off, so I'm certain that he'll be getting on a train tomorrow." Lakhesis finished her sentence and smiled widely to her sisters.

"Good!", Klotho answered. "Now that Susanna is sitting at his home quiet, the moment Terry come back, things will start to change for her...for the worst." Klotho continued and sniggered at the thought. "We'll have to ask for help. Nemesis might be the one to call..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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